Here are some facts about Cozumel’s sewer treatment plant:
98.7% of addresses on Cozumel are connected to the city sewer system.
The island has 10 lift pumps to move this sewage to the plants through the system.
The San Miguelito treatment plant (north of town) has a capacity of 245 liters per second. It is currently working at about 120 liters per second. It uses a pretreatment system, bio-filter, clarifiers and ultraviolet ray system to deal with the liquid.
40% of the treated water is sold to the golf course for irrigation. The rest goes into 100 meter deep absorption wells.
This plant was remodeled and updated in 2018.
Here are some facts about the landfill:
The old municipal dump was replaced with a modern landfill in 2011 and has 8,900 square meters available to work with. It is the first landfill in Quintana Roo to be certified by PROFEPA, who monitors the air, water-table, and noise around it. It takes in about 110 tons of garbage a day. It consists of cells which take one to four years to fill, depending on the size of the cell. They have room for about 20 years' worth of garbage before they need to expand, and they have plenty of room to expand. The garbage is compacted and covered daily. I believe they are working on a system to capture methane to use as fuel. Ask them for a tour, they will be happy to show you around.