I doubt this has anything to do with being green, but simply a limitation of the way the systems are designed in some places.
Yes, Coz is all limestone so if one digs down more than a few inches one hits limestone. As such, "septic systems" on the island aren't anything like those elsewhere where there is soil and clay and such. From what I understand, locals that aren't hooked up to public sewer jack-hammer or pick ax a pit in the limestone and that's where all their human waste goes. There's no such thing as drain fields and such. While limestone is porous, anything other than water, urine and feces that goes down a toilet will clog up the pit VERY quickly so no one flushes toilet paper or has a garbage disposal in their sink. My home is on a septic system and sure as heck didn't put a garbage disposal in my kitchen sink when I built it. Also, for some reason most of Mexico is plumbed with smaller diameter PVC than used elsewhere probably because it is cheaper. I am thinking 3" in diameter for waste but perhaps another in the know can confirm? I am quite certain those beach clubs and AI's have systems that provide minimal treatment (if any) at best. They cant have 500-1000 guests all drinking and flushing the toilets and TP into a system that can properly treat that over time for bacteria to break it down. Macerator pumps are most likely used to pulverize everything into a watery mud before it is piped into the sea just like cruise ships do. AI's are basically land locked cruise ships anyway. For snorkelers staying at AI's or visiting beach clubs, I'd be curious how far out you have to fin to find the pipe where all this waste is expelled into the sea. Most (but not all) claims by establishments of being "green" in 3rd world countries are an absolute fallacy and are made for marketing purposes.