Pool Pervert!!!

What would you do if you noticed a pervert checking out lady swimmers in the pool

  • Ingnore it and focus on your swim

    Votes: 60 35.5%
  • Tell the lifeguard

    Votes: 27 16.0%
  • Inform management

    Votes: 38 22.5%
  • Tell the lady swimmer about it and let her deal with it

    Votes: 15 8.9%
  • Confront the pervert

    Votes: 18 10.7%
  • Grab the guy and drag him to the bottom of the pool

    Votes: 11 6.5%

  • Total voters

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You may have still been near the bathroom and they thought that you were gay. Some people just get bent out of shape if they think someone is gay. It's bizarre behavior in my opinion.
Yes I figured it was probably something like that. At the time I actually lived in Amsterdam and the contrast in tolerance was a real eye-opener.
What would you do?

I was working out at the pool today. The guy sharing my lane had a new snorkel kit. It looked like something you might pick at a discount sporting goods store.

I didn't notice this guy too much until the couple in the next lane asked if I thought he was checking them out... They thought he was acting creepy. They left the pool shortly after and another girl jumped in their lane.

Now my workout was distracted, I was keeping an eye on the guy and he "was" acting really creepy obviously checking out this girl as she swam. Timing his laps so he could shadow her.

I was getting really pissed off about this and wondering what to do about it. I felt like knocking his mask off and introducing him to the bottom of the pool! I stopped him at the end of the pool and had a brief disscusion with him. He denied the whole thing and the conversation got a bit heated. He left the pool shortly after.

My question to all of you is simply: "What would you do"? And to the ladies out there, what would you like someone to do if they noticed a pervert shadowing you durring your pool work out? And finally, has this ever happened to anyone else?

I'm going to try to make a poll here...
Sounds like you were just jealous he wasn't checking you out :)

Seriously though, you were way out of line. It's not your job to impose rules or police the pool. If you had concerns, notify the lifeguard.
I used to work in NYC and went to the Y on my lunch hour to swim laps. One day, I was sharing a lane with this dude, and a couple of times he swam by me, no problem. Then another time, I felt something on my butt. Hmm. Maybe it was an accident. Then I felt it again. The third time he tried, I stopped swimming, grabbed him around the neck and started punching him in the face and called him every bloody name in the book. Everyone stopped and was starring at us, but I didn't give a crap at this point. Man, was I steamed. He got out of the pool and left.

That's what I said a few posts ago.

Let the women handle it.. Go Jersey girl!!!!!
Society definately needs a long hard think about how far 'correctness' has gone.

At the private junior school that my niece and nephew attended the lavatories in the prep. buildings have glass doors so that at no time are the male teachers not observable when helping 4-5 yr. old children.

I am a married 41 yr.old man and I see my 4 year God Daughter regularly, I sit with her and her brother when they are having a bath [because they insist I do], I put them to bed and I read them stories, but in public I am very careful how I hold her or play with her because people can accuse you of doing something wrong - and whilst innocent it is nearly impossible to defend yourself. What do you say? 'It was a mistake that my hand was on her bottom when I was holding her' etc.

I even know o fathers who are affraid to change their daughters nappy in public because someone may missinterpret his beahviour and accuse him of molestation.

I know their are people in society that we have to be careful of and that children no longer grow up with freedoms that many of us did, because of child abductions etc. but really I think we all need to be a bit more communicative and trusting and understanding with each other. It is way too easy to accuse someone and then watch them try to defend themselves - that was how they dispatched of 'witches'.
Seriously though, male or female touching you, just tell him or her to stop before punching the person.

Let's see if it's him, in or out of the pool, immediately clock him.

Her I'll do me best to try and talk her out of it, not worth getting into a fight about it. .eyebrow
Green Hand:
Society definately needs a long hard think about how far 'correctness' has gone.

I even know o fathers who are affraid to change their daughters nappy in public because someone may missinterpret his beahviour and accuse him of molestation.
I'm going to bank that excuse . :) :)
I visited LA once for just an afternoon before I took a flight out. Not knowing anyone there and having heard of Venice beach I decided to go for a walk there to see why it was so famous. At one point I needed a pee so I found a public urinal. Afterwards I wasn't quite sure what to do next so I sat on a wall about 50 meters away trying to decide where to go. The next thing I know I'm being heavily insulted, called a pervert etc by a bunch of young guys. I had absolutely no idea why they were so aggressive and it seriously made me wonder if LA was really the 'laid back' place it was supposed to be. Things are really not always what they seem, but there are always those that jump to conclusions.

My guess is you took thier spot on the wall and they are the perverts. They were upset that you were checking out thier scenery.

Next time cary a white cane and they can't get upset at you for looking at thier ladies. :wink:

Then if they do get upset you can beat them with the cane.

Of course, in LA they are probably carrying guns and spraycans - Hows that for a stereo type?
My wife is a Lifeguard, Water safety instructor, Water Aerobics instructor, etc, etc and a pool manager. One night when she was off duty, I was soaking in the adjacent spa and was watching a new water aerobics instructor guide a class of mostly women. I was noticing how she had lost control of her class to a very agressive, loud patron. I was really trying to determine if she was being effective in her instruction. I went home and reported my observations to my wife.
The next day my wife told me that I had been reported to management for "Oogling" the women in the class. I was embarassed and angry but what could I say?
I'm not indicating that your "perv" was doing what I was doing, just be objective before reporting. I am sure that a few women there still think I'm a pervert, regardless of my honest and innocent attention to their exercise class.
They were wearing appropriate attire for a pool workout.

The plot thickens. She is wearin appropriate attire. Swimming in her own lane.
He is swimming in his lane,WEARING A MASK. Right so far???

Okay now.
With all this swimming going on, he is wearing a mask
and their both in their own lanes.
How did you come to the conclusion he was staring at her crotch?????
Where were you positioned? How did you observe his actions????

By few things you said, it sounds like an assumption.
Not that this really matters but when I use a snorkle in the pool to swim laps I still turn my head to the side as if I were breathing without it just out of habit. Was this guy turning his head alternately so that on either direction he was constantly facing the lane with the girl/couple?
Maybe he was using a mask and snorkle for the first time or new optical lenses and other than staring at the bottom of the pool he wanted something to focus on and when he looked toward aquaman he got glared at?

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