Pool Pervert!!!

What would you do if you noticed a pervert checking out lady swimmers in the pool

  • Ingnore it and focus on your swim

    Votes: 60 35.5%
  • Tell the lifeguard

    Votes: 27 16.0%
  • Inform management

    Votes: 38 22.5%
  • Tell the lady swimmer about it and let her deal with it

    Votes: 15 8.9%
  • Confront the pervert

    Votes: 18 10.7%
  • Grab the guy and drag him to the bottom of the pool

    Votes: 11 6.5%

  • Total voters

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Gee, I didn't think of that?? Well she better not walk through my yard with all the scrap iron I have laying around. Although she could be useful in preventing flats on my trucks if she just made a pass through the driveway now and then!!
Can't that also be be seen as prejudice though? While it's right some of the time a lot of the time it isn't because people are afraid of various types of people based on ignorance and stereotypes and just because someone has some preconceived idea of what defines a creep doesn't make anyone who falls under that description a danger in any way shape or form nor does it make it ok to confront them about it because they made someone feel uncomfortable. You can't say that it's only based on how you feel because how the person looks is going to weigh heavily on how you feel about that person

Well....It must be both, actually. I think it's good to listen to your intuition but with the awareness that it's only as reliable as the "norms" and "filters" you have. How much it's wise to trust it must also vary from person to person. I can only speak for myself but my intuitions about things (and people) turn out to be correct often enough that it's a fairly reliable early warning system. I don't trust blindly in it, in my case that wouldn't be wise, but having the sense that something is amiss just makes me more alert and sets me observing what I see with more focus. The benefit of using your intuition is that this focusing happens faster than it would if you approached everything in life with a completely blank starting point. Personally, if I started blank I wouldn't even be able to process that much information.

This is also something I've realised I can trust more as I get older. When I was 20 it wouldn't have worked for me like it does now. Something happened in the last 20 years that changed that. It might be because I myself have mellowed out a lot or because of building up a lot of experiences with other people by living in fairly international cities or by living overseas and traveling the world a couple of times. Somewhere in the process my internal "database" of normal behaviour has started to become fairly useful.

You know guys and gals, In another board somewhere there is probably a post about a guy who wouldnt stop looking at this other guy in a pool:
ZAquaman being that guy and the "creepy" guy being the "victim"

After all to know exactly what he was looking at and for how long you must have had to look at him for a good while, if not then he might have just been glancing at her (normal) everytime you glanced at him.
Reminds me of my younger days..

" He must be an alcoholic, I see him everytime I'm in a bar"
ZAquaman:instincts are good. thought before reaction is a sign of common sense.
I say tell the gal. she can keep an eye out, and will likely feel she has an ally in you, should she feel action is warranted. imnsho
I visited LA once for just an afternoon before I took a flight out. Not knowing anyone there and having heard of Venice beach I decided to go for a walk there to see why it was so famous. At one point I needed a pee so I found a public urinal. Afterwards I wasn't quite sure what to do next so I sat on a wall about 50 meters away trying to decide where to go. The next thing I know I'm being heavily insulted, called a pervert etc by a bunch of young guys. I had absolutely no idea why they were so aggressive and it seriously made me wonder if LA was really the 'laid back' place it was supposed to be. Things are really not always what they seem, but there are always those that jump to conclusions.

Venice beach is not representative of anything, anywhere. Period. It is just up the street from me, so I know it well. It is a sight that should not be missed. And, it really takes a couple of hours to get a feel for how odd it really is. I just figure that when one goes there, all bets are off. I've heard it said that it is the last refuge for those who can't find the looney bin. However, if your ever in the neighborhood again, let me know and I'll give you a tour of the place (and with enough time, we'll go diving.)


I've got a boat and I'm not afraid to use it.
Back on topic:

Someone commented on the efffects on the effectts the feminism movement has had on this kind of issue. Good point. It does seem that the feminism movement has made women more into sex objects than ever before. While many may be willing participants in the so-called sexual revolution, they are in a new category than ever before.
The thumb in the snorkel trick is always a good option

Seriously though, if it is obvious that some knucklehead is getting his jolies with a mask and snorkel in a lap pool then somebody in a position of authority (lifeguard or pool manager) should handle it. Closely following some gal doing the breast stroke would certainly qualify in my book - how many serious swimmers swim laps with a mask and snorkel?
I dunno how many 'serious' swimmers do, but my wife did to get ready for the swim test for her PADI class & build up the leg muscles needed for her fins. And I snorkeled in the lane next to her to keep her company & work with her.

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