Please keep Denisegg's family in your thoughts

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He had his first milk shake today!! Hallelujah!!

Denise, I was reading Beth Moore's blog Living Proof Ministries Blog yesterday and someone posted something that made me think of you. A gal posted that she had given her Mom one of Beth's books--I think it was Believing God and it was while she thought her Mom was in good health. Well about a month later the docs told this gal's Mom that she was terminally ill. The gal remembered Beth saying that if someone told us that we ought to respond--"How dare you take my hope!" Because as much as the doctors know, there is still a lot they don't know. Only God knows when our time is up. Things might look very bleak indeed, but if it is not our time, we will be sticking around.

The docs might have a good idea of what is likely to happen--but that does not mean it will or will not happen. I am glad you didn't let the docs take your hope.

It looks like you won't have to dream of a white Christmas as you already got one in the form of a milkshake yesterday!

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten,
and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white
Yes!! Milkshakes and Gatorade! And he can hold the cup and drink it himself! He was breathing on his own several hours today without the ventilator. We took Christmas presents to him today. His great grandmother made him a blanket and he wanted to cover up with it. He held it in his hands and rubbed the material between his fingers. We got him high top Nikes because PT said it would be good for his feet to have the support from his ankles.
He can communicate pretty well with hand signals and we can read his lips and understand alot of what he says. He can also write on paper now if you can't read his lips.
What a wonderful Christmas to get a big hug and a kiss on the cheek!
Oh Denise! That is so wonderful to hear! I am so happy that he is progressing along. Hope tomorrow brings even better news! How old is he?

Being able to communicate with him is just the best news! I know you spent a lot of days and weeks wondering if that would ever happen again. I am so glad your prayers were answered!

He along with your family still have a long road ahead of you--but praise the Lord there is a road that you will travel together.
Oh Denise! That is so wonderful to hear! I am so happy that he is progressing along. Hope tomorrow brings even better news! How old is he?

Being able to communicate with him is just the best news! I know you spent a lot of days and weeks wondering if that would ever happen again. I am so glad your prayers were answered!

He along with your family still have a long road ahead of you--but praise the Lord there is a road that you will travel together.

Beth Moore shared this on her blog yesterday and I have been meditating on this verse. I hope it will encourage you too.

Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in him, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Please tell Zach we're mighty proud of his fighting so hard, and that we're continuing to pray for his full and rapid recovery.
Is he still in P'cola? We'll be headed down to Perdido next week & could drop by if you think it'd be ok :)
Merry Christmas Denise to you and your whole family as well as our fellow scubaboard posters. May this be a Christmas to remember filled with laughter and hope and a very Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas! I'm so thankful for this miracle, it helps me to keep my faith strong! I know you guys will have a wonderful Christmas.

God is so good :)
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!! May there be endless bounty of big :hugs: and :Kissy: on the cheek.

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