Please help me find a new "Non-Suunto" Air Integrated Dive Computer...

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Genesis, Oceanic, Aeris and Sherwood computers should give you what you are looking for. Personally, I prefer an analog pressure gauge and two non-Ai computers . You can often find this type of set-up for less than 1 AI computer. Analog pressure gauges do not fail often. Computers do fail and that means that in an AI set-up you have no idea of your remaining air supply. With two nonAI computers and an analog pressure gauge I'm still diving if one computer craps out.
My wife is my primary dive buddy, so I made sure that we have the same computers, same algorithm. Not knowing more about what your wife is running, I'm not sure why diving what she has isn't your answer.
I finally am officially back from Belize and have some time now to catch up on your questions and comments.

1) The only setting that Suunto has is changing a 100% setting to 50%. That's it. And honestly, it doesn't do anything noticeable. There is a long thread about this here on Scubaboard and the setting does little to nothing.

2) I've dove Suunto for at least 5 times as long as she's been certified (8 years)...I really like everything about the Suunto computer, except for the conservativeness. We've taken 3 dive trips together now...Cayman, Turks, and now Belize. On the first dive trip, my wife borrowed my Mom's equipment with an older Oceanic computer. I was the victim of watching from above as the entire rest of the group enjoyed their dive (including my wife).

On the Turks trip, and after help from some Scubaboard members, I adjusted the Suunto the 50% mode and spent the extra money to dive Nitrox. That got me close to her computer profile...but still, I had to surface a bit early late in the week. So Suunto Nitrox almost = Oceanic Air.

About 4 months ago, my wife bought her own equipment...with of course, another Oceanic computer. On this Belize trip, I asked for Nitrox but it seemed like an inconvenience for them being that it's in a 3rd world country and all. It was going to be $12 a tank more...times 11 dives. I just said, go with air. And, there I floated above watching everyone below me...or dove until I went into pseudo-Deco while even staying above the dive master and my wife.

I understand the risks, etc and I appreciate the concern, but the fact that EVERY other diver in the group dives deeper and longer than me and none of them go to the chamber tells me that my dive computer is too conservative. My dive master was recommending me a different computer. The dive masters at Turks last year made comments too that they don't dive Suuntos. Seriously...look at the comparison of how many minutes I lose per dive (and this is only dive #1 !)... No one tells an Oceanic user that he's going to the chamber just because he uses Oceanic right?


3) I do agree that I should just buy an Oceanic to match my wife's computer algorythm. Maybe the Pro Plus 2.1. I really like having the computer/gauges in one neat console so I only have one place to check, etc. The watch idea is a neat concept, but its just another thing that I have to remember to bring with me where is the console is attached to my gear.
Instead of bashing Suunto, why not just phrase this as you are seeking a computer with a relatively liberal algorithm? Also, as Diver0001 pointed out, you can set your Suunto to "50% RGBM" to make it more liberal.

. . . On my last dive, I made sure I stayed above the group the entire dive and once my computer hit deco, my wife's computer said 17 minutes left!

This is why my wife and I both dive Suuntos. We end our dives at the same time. We couldn't care less whether "the rest of the group" have computers that say they can dive for 15 more minutes. Though one can debate the statistical likelihood, someday, one of those people may reflect on how much they enjoyed their extra 15 minutes while sitting in the chamber. I feel good in my belief that my wife and I will enjoy thousands of dives without a DCS incident. I can appreciate that you have weighed what you believe is the risk versus the benefit and come to your own decision that you want a more liberal computer. To each his own risk tolerance level. I guess it was the emphatic "Non-Suunto" label that irked me.

I just decided to go into "Suunto pseudo deco" and enjoy the rest of my dive.

"Pseudo" deco, eh? It's not "real" deco? I'll leave that one alone.

---------- Post Merged at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 11:31 AM ----------

Where did you get that table? That's very interesting. I've never seen the data presented like that. I wonder how it compares for repetitive dives?

Anyway, as for "none of them goes to the chamber" and "no one tells an Oceanic user that he's going to the chamber," I know you realize that the relative risk is based on statistics and thousands and thousands of data points. I know you realize that just because you've seen an Oceanic dived 100 times--a tiny number of data points--without anyone going to the chamber doesn't mean much. Maybe the 100 dives you observed were made by people in top physical shape, in warm water, not overexerting themselves, etc. I myself am getting older and not in as good shape as I once was. Does that increase my DCS risk?--who knows. But I like the conservativeness. Okay, okay, I'll get off my Suunto soapbox. I suspect you're in the majority here on SB, and we conservative Suunto fans are the minority. As I said, I just get annoyed by threads that suggest there is something abnormal about Suunto.
My Mares puck air uses a ssimilar RGBM algorithm to your suunto,but seems to get more time when I'm diving with suunto divers. Different # of compartments maybe. Sub gear also makes an air integrated that looks to be middle of the road conservative. I also have an older pelagic but I only use it for backup,In case my main one craps out for some reason.
In your above post you pretty much stated that the ProPlus2 is your choice. I agree that you and your wife should both be on the same algorithm. However, if you are posting, to get opinions ........for diving more efficiently, I am a fan of a single SPG (brass & glass) and Wrist Computer. Most importantly, when using the computer it allows you to be hands free. Secondly, it less expensive (save money where you can). I would look at the Oceanic VEO 3.0, if you want a watch style, Geo 2.0
Some Oceanic computers offer dual algorithms.

DSAT or Z+

That would give you a choice of how conservative you want to dive and will come close to matching up with any of your dive buddies.
Genesis, Oceanic, Aeris and Sherwood computers should give you what you are looking for. Personally, I prefer an analog pressure gauge and two non-Ai computers . You can often find this type of set-up for less than 1 AI computer. Analog pressure gauges do not fail often. Computers do fail and that means that in an AI set-up you have no idea of your remaining air supply. With two nonAI computers and an analog pressure gauge I'm still diving if one computer craps out.

Best of both worlds

For the last 28 months, 231 dives, 247 hours, I've been diving an Oceanic VT3 I have my SACs for all these dives, its been very educational. I've had no failures and have lost linking a handful of times for seconds. I just changed batteries for the 1st time as soon as the low battery warning came on the VT3. About 14 months ago, I added a backup Geo 2 and SPG. I've never had to use them, but am glad I could.

I'm partial to the Pelagic DSAT algorithm, the VT3 runs only that, the Geo 2 is dual algorithm. Before the VT3, it was an Oceanic Pro Plus for 8 years. Prior to that, I dived a Cochran.

Good diving, Craig
On the Turks trip, and after help from some Scubaboard members, I adjusted the Suunto the 50% mode and spent the extra money to dive Nitrox. That got me close to her computer profile...but still, I had to surface a bit early late in the week. So Suunto Nitrox almost = Oceanic Air.

This sounds implausible. Which mixture of Nitrox were you using?

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