Planning to do CCR. thinking of JJ-CCR

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-Willing to follow this as I am tempted by the same thing-
Tell us more about yourself. What are your plans for the rebreather? What kind of dives do you want to do with it?

There are a lot of good rebreathers on the market. For the most part some are more good at some things and less good at other things. Depending on what you are planning to dive will direct what will be a better choice.

was planning to go the CCR route . Any advantage and disadvantage of JJ-CCR?
The upside, It is a well made solid unit that will do most things well.
The downside is that it weighs 4000 pounds. ( I kid, it actually weighs less than 300 pounds.)

What kind of diving are you doing, what are you interested in doing?
Tell us more about yourself. What are your plans for the rebreather? What kind of dives do you want to do with it?

There are a lot of good rebreathers on the market. For the most part some are more good at some things and less good at other things. Depending on what you are planning to dive will direct what will be a better choice.
presently finished
tdi extended range. with 2 deco gas.

working on TDI Trimix. then the rebreather course.

i like to explore wrecks. some of them are at the 70m range. or up to 110m

im more of the explore type. underwater tourist 😂
The upside, It is a well made solid unit that will do most things well.
The downside is that it weighs 4000 pounds. ( I kid, it actually weighs less than 300 pounds.)

What kind of diving are you doing, what are you interested in doing?
interested in wrecks deeper than 60m . i know of wrecks in my area at 70m-110m

im an underwater tourist 😂
any suggestions? i thought of JJCCR since theres an instructor available. actually my tech instructor. very accessible

theres also Pelagian CCR and KISS sidewinder. but a bit far. need to travel
Rebreather first, then trimix.
You cant train on the rb at the trimix level to start with anyway
Sounds like a JJ is a viable option for you. Will second switching to CCR sooner. The learning curve is steep and tall. The further you go down the OC path, the further you will have to backtrack and and start over again with the rebreather. A rebreather isn't a continuation after trimix. It is a different path that branches off back around the advanced nitrox. You will be starting over again with 30-40m dives and work back up to where you are now.

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