Originally posted by reefraff
Danglies. It wont matter if youre diving with an Apeks ATX200 as an alternate, if youve spent six months dragging the thing across the coral and through the sand, it cannot be considered to be reliable. An Air2 (or similar) wont allow even the doofiest newbie to let it dangle enough to be damaged. Then theres the streamlining issue even if you leave your inflator dangling, its less of a drag than a second hanging in the current. Scumballs? Now those things are a joke.
Which is why you breath the regulator you intend to donate, and keep the other one under your chin
Emergency. With the trend towards donating the primary second, knowing instantly and instinctively where the alternate second is located becomes critical. Since push-button divers usually have their fingers on their inflators, it isnt much of a search to find their alternate if its integrated.
Unless of course its a real emergency, where the trend is to have your reg ripped out of your mouth anyway. Which is when you switch to the other one under your chin.
Reliability. My Air2 is several years old and it doesnt get used very often
So you are never actually sure it works ? Hmmm...
The integrated alternates arent perfect, but they represent a viable solution (there may be other solutions, but thats not the point) to a number of problems for divers that dont give a puffers breeze about gear fiddaddlin and just want to hop into the warm water a couple of times a year and make faces at the fishies. We all make compromises in order to enjoy diving (remember this is a DANGEROUS sport) so its really just a question of what and how much, not whether.
I happen to hop into the (not-so-warm) water and make faces at the fishies. I also carry my spare reg under my chin. The fish dont care. Really.
Is it an insult to tell a diver that he's all wet?