I've been bit by 2 dogs in my adult life... A Pit Bull & a Black Lab. I'll briefly describe both but I agree, in both instances the owner was at least partially at fault.hdtran:So, I'll agree that the breed commonly known as 'pit bulls' is inherently more agressive than, say, the black labrador retriever. But it's the owner, stupid.
Black lab - Pulled up to a local coffee shop on my motorcycle, parked, got off the bike and as I turned around a Black Lab lunged at me and bit my knee. It was not on a leash and most likely bit me out of fear (of the motorcycle, and no, it's not a loud, obnoxious Harley). Who do i blame? The Owner... Idiot didn't have it on a leash. Was completely in denial over the whole episode until i showed her the blood. She changed her tune then...
Pit Bull - was out walking my girlfriends fluff ball Lilly, saw a pit bull without a leash, decided to turn around and go the other way, took about 5 steps and luckily i turned around 'cause the pit was coming fast. I yanked on Lilly's harness to pull her up to me as the pit lunged at her. I turned my body and it grabbed me on my upper arm (tricep) and hung there for a few seconds before slipping off. It then proceeded to bite at my knees and feet, I kicked at it and it ran off. It was a young dog so i got off lucky with only some nasty puncture wounds and a scar. After contacting the police I found that it attacked somebody earlier in the week.
Blame? Owner & dog. The owner for being a gang banging piece of shi+ and the dog for just being mean. I know it initially went after my dog but didn't stop there... I don't like Pit Bulls and NO ONE will convince me otherwise.