I find myself saying that to people who walk right next to my deaf female pitbull and then freak out when she tries to smell them. If I'm holding a four foot leash, don't walk two feet away and then give me a dirty look because my dog tried to sniff you.![]()
I have two APBTs, as well as fostering a third ABPT puppy that's blind. Being blind, he likes to sniff everything as well. I don't want to lecture anyone, but it is possible to take in some of the slack on the leash. There are people out there who see our dogs and automatically assume the worse, both about our dogs and us. If we had a Dalmation or Golden Retriever and the dog sniffed them, they probably would pass by without giving it a second thought. But if it's a Pit, it's going to stick out in their mind. No offense to Ber Rabbit, I know she is well respected within the forum, but had the dog been anything other than a Pit she probably would not have posted. And a Pit named "Vicious" to boot, what a moron. It only helps our cause to as responsible as possible, unlike the owner in the OP. We have a major uphill battle in changing the reputations of our dogs.

Anyone want a puppy?
Dog profile for Charlie ***For Adoption***, a male American Pit Bull Terrier