I don't hate any breed, just like I don't hate any race.
If a white guy comes at me with a gun, and I can, I'm going to maim him in such a way that he poses no threat to me.
If a black guy comes at me with a gun, and I can, I'm going to maim him in such a way that he poses no threat to me.
If a labrador comes at me with intent to hurt, and I can, I'm going to maim it in such a way that it poses no threat to me.
If a pit bull comes at me with intent to hurt, and I can, I'm going to maim it in such a way that it poses no threat to me.
A buddy of mine carries a knife with him. If a dog charged at him, he'd pull it, and stab at the heart. If a dog came towards me, I'd kick it. If I succeeded in keeping it from hurting me, I'd keep kicking it until it gave up, or I fell over and it did hurt me....
On campus here, we have very aggressive squirrels. Theywill litereally jump on people to get at their food. If a squirrel is running towards me and it looks like it wants what I have, I kick.

Squirrel ball. If a squirrel is just chilling there, I leave it alone.
I love animals, I really do, but I love me more. Any time any one or thing acts like it is going to harm me, I will not show it any mercy on purpose. But I also wouldn't go out of my way to get rid of animals before they pose a threat--I'm not pro-elimination of the pit bull breed. I am pro-elimination of aggressive animals.