catherine:people that google everything before they post instead of developing discerning opinions of their own about life have a huge reality check when they have children.
well, you are creating a false dichotomy here. i don't know anyone whose entire
life experience is "book knowledge" or whose entire life experience is "street
most rational people have a good mix of both.
catherine:Andy, your assumption that I need to hold anyone accountable is wrong. I said I don't like the dogs and I avoid people who have them, in most cases. I said I would not leave my little child at someone's house that had one. I look for ways to impact MY world.
i'm not assuming anything. we're discussing the merits of two statements,
"a breed is at fault" or "the owner is at fault."
just be aware that how well you protect your child is dictated by the answer
to that question. just because some people you know have a poodle doesn't
mean your kid is safe with them. they might be awful owners and the poodle
may bite your kid.
on the other hand, good owners with a pitbull will mean that your child is safe.
catherine:There is no requirement that I be "fair" to Pit Bulls.
ok, that's your choice. i choose to try to be fair to all forms of life, whether
they are "just a dog" or a person.
actually, it goes beyond that. it goes to an attempt to see reality for
what it is, as opposed to projecting pre-conceived notions unto it.