To all that are to lazy to read my whole post, here is a short
movie about the truth concerning dog bites.
After reading through 23 pages, I thought I could jump in and offer my opinion and experience concerning Pit Bulls. I'm a little more opinionated and passionate about this matter than Kid K9 though.

First, I would like to acknowledge that many people are fearful of Pit Bulls. Fear is a basic instinct of humans that serves self preservation. Of course, having a big dog with big sharp teeth around you, could make many people uncomfortable.
Unfortunately, this fear is fueled by sensationalistic journalism, that uses this fear to sell "news" and by opportunistic politicians that jump on the bandwagon to score points toward the next election. This reporting in the media is made by the same people you would laugh when reading their reports about scuba diving. These are the same people that describe sharks as blood thirsty beasts and our tanks as oxygen tanks. These people may read a report somewhere and will consider themselves experts in the field and able to educate others, while actually having not a clue about the issue.
As Catherine said somewhere before: "I love dogs but I have just seen too many toddlers malled to death on the evening news" What the news miss to mention though, is that most of these incidents do not involve Pit Bulls but it is missed to mention because Pit Bulls make better headlines.
Of all posts, I've read in this thread, the most disturbing and dangerous of all is Reefraff's. It is very well written and appears to show that the author has a very profound knowledge of the matter at hand. Fortunately, it only expresses a personal opinion and a theory that not only is a poor one but is contrary to the stand of science now days. Unfortunately, some people fell for it and commended him for a well written post and used it as a reference to further their point of view. Again, while written excellently, it contains only shreds of truth, taken out of context. It is contrary to the opinion of all Veterinary medical associations, Kennel Clubs, Biologists as well as dog behaviourists.
True is:
"Variability in behaviour has a wider range within a breed than between breeds. Within the discipline of psychobiology and animal behaviour there is no data from empirically supported studies, published in refereed scientific literature, to support the idea that one breed of dog is `vicious.' The adult behaviour of a domestic dog is determined overwhelmingly by its experiential history, environmental management and training." - Dr. Mary Lee Nitschke, Ph.D.
So, You have the option. Be the hostage of your fears that are fueled by the media, or inform yourself about the true nature of the so called "Pit Bull problem"
A very informative site, I always recommend to interested people is
GoodPooch. The quote above is taken from it as well as the movies, I'll post later. It also contains important information to parents about how behave and what to teach their children when around
any dog, in order to help avoid getting bitten.
In my personal experience, most Pitt Bulls were very friendly. Actually they are much friendlier that most other breeds.
When I go into the examination room:
If I have a Pitt Bull waiting for me, I know that most likely, I will not have any problems.
If I have a Shepherd Dog (Regardless whether it is a German, Belgian, Australian or whatever), I know that most likely, I may have problems.
If I have an American Eskimo waiting, I know for sure he'll try to bite me.
I have rarely seen other breed of dogs that are so well balanced toward people and the few that were strange, had owner that would have screwed up every other dog breed as well.
To all the "gun fetishists" among you, may I remind you that more people are killed annually by guns than by dogs in the last 20 years. Talking about a twisted outlook on the "real problems". Actually, I'd hazard a guess that there are more people killed each month by gun violence in the USA than people killed by dogs in the last 20 years.

I heard today in the radio news that a 3 year old girl in the USA shot her mom in the knee (talking about sensationalistic news.

) She found the hand gun under the sofa cushion. The first time it happened, the mother removed the bullets (Or so she thought) and put it back under the sofa cushion. The second time the 3 year old found it, the mother wasn't that lucky. The police removed 17 hand guns from that home according to the news.
In the situation as Ber described, chances are that you may miss the dog that was speeding toward you, hit one of the girls that was chasing the dog or another innocent bystander and possibly face charges for killing someone later.
Concerning those idiotic Dog Breed Ban Laws, that were produced by opportunistic politician, who have no knowledge of the issues at hand and contrary to the recommendations of all professionals that know it better, they will not work. The number of dog bites will not decrease and when the Pitt Bulls are gone or old news, the next hysteria about another breed will be developed, fueled by our sensationalistic media.
There is no way to differentiate a Pitt Bull, not even through DNA analysis. I've seen Boxer mixes that looked like Pitt Bulls and I've seen Pitt Bulls that looked like Hounds.
The best example is the stupid politician in New Mexico who was pushing the Dog Breed Ban in his region. He was badly bitten by his own dogs, a Boxer and 2 Bulldogs. Talking about real justice.
Ber, I'm sorry you had to experience this unpleasant and certainly somewhat scary situation but let me assure you that what you've seen is representative to only 0.01% of the Pitt Bull population. 99.9% of all Pitt Bulls belong to loving families that socialized their pets well and make for excellent companions. I know of doctors, lawyers, engineers and many other people who own one as a pet and for sure couldn't be described as the scum of the earth as many try to make you believe are the only people who would own a dog like that. Unfortunately, these 0.01% cast a bad reputation on the rest of the breed.
Warning: This
movie isn't for the faint of heart and may not be suitable for small children but it describes the real "Pitt Bull Problem" exactly right on.