Although not exclusively related to wireless calling, here are codes and hints for dialing U.S. toll-free numbers from Mexico (such as your own provider's help desk). However, bear in mind that calling any of these U.S. toll-free numbers from Mexico costs the same as a standard international call.
To call a U.S. number that begins with 800:
001-880-(7-digit number)
To call a U.S. number that begins with 888:
001-881-(7-digit number)
To call a U.S. number that begins with 877:
001-882-(7-digit number)
To call a U.S. number that begins with 866:
001-883-(7-digit number)
Numbers beginning with 800 WITHIN Mexico are toll-free. That is, Mexico also uses the 800 code for free calls within the country.
To call a U.S. number that begins with 800:
001-880-(7-digit number)
To call a U.S. number that begins with 888:
001-881-(7-digit number)
To call a U.S. number that begins with 877:
001-882-(7-digit number)
To call a U.S. number that begins with 866:
001-883-(7-digit number)
Numbers beginning with 800 WITHIN Mexico are toll-free. That is, Mexico also uses the 800 code for free calls within the country.