Phoning the US from Cozumel?

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Minneapolis area, Minnesota
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500 - 999
Here's something I haven't seen here lately. What is the best way to phone back to the states from Cozumel? I have seen a lot of "international" calling cards for sale, but I wonder if they work for calling BACK from down there. I have noticed a number of "communication shops" down there, but they look pretty expensive. Is this the only way to do it? :06:
Email! I have a friend that uses a service called packet 8. He uses his laptop as a phone and can call and receive calls from anywhere as long as he's on the internet and it doesn't cost extra. Pretty cool. He works from home and his boss never knows he's actually in Cayman when he goes because he keeps that same local number no matter where he is. LOL.
Here's something I haven't seen here lately. What is the best way to phone back to the states from Cozumel? I have seen a lot of "international" calling cards for sale, but I wonder if they work for calling BACK from down there. I have noticed a number of "communication shops" down there, but they look pretty expensive. Is this the only way to do it? :06:

At the Calling Station on the main drag in town, you can call the States for a couple of bucks. DO NOT call from your hotel room; I have heard horror stories of $100 phone calls from hotels.
I'll second what GGunn said. The place downtown is really cheap and convenient. I was the victim of the in room phone call scam. I think it was $120.00 for less than ten minutes!
GSM based cellphones - Cingular/t-mobile should work to call back to the USA shouldn't they? Anyone know what GSM bands are supported in Cozumel? Oh, and if you have not used your cellphone outside of your country you should call your service provider to enable international roaming.
Skype is a pretty popular PC-based phone method, seems to work well.
GSM based cellphones - Cingular/t-mobile should work to call back to the USA shouldn't they?
Yes, they should. Radiomovil Dipsa SA de CV (TELCEL) provides roaming service for both Cingular and Tmob and their coverage includes Cozumel according to

Anyone know what GSM bands are supported in Cozumel?
1900, just like most of North American. Europe is 1800

Oh, and if you have not used your cellphone outside of your country you should call your service provider to enable international roaming.
Definitely do this and at the same time you can ask what the cost will be that are associated with calling the US because it will be both a long distance call and there will be a roaming charge.

Gordon's suggestion might still be less expensive.
Tim Ingersoll:
I'll second what GGunn said. The place downtown is really cheap and convenient. I was the victim of the in room phone call scam. I think it was $120.00 for less than ten minutes!
Yikes! That stinks! Thanks for the warnings guys.:11:
Most internet shops also have phone service, I think it was .07 a min. in Sept. My wife talked for 20min and I payed 1.50. Do not use the hotel phones, even local calls to the dive shops can cost you. I made 4 calls to my divemasters cell from the hotel and the charge was $16.
GSM based cellphones - Cingular/t-mobile should work to call back to the USA shouldn't they? Anyone know what GSM bands are supported in Cozumel? Oh, and if you have not used your cellphone outside of your country you should call your service provider to enable international roaming.

Based on my own personal experience, and having several customers coming down with cell phones that will supposedly work, the ONLY ones that actually work and get coverage are Verizon and AT&T

With verizon, you have to be on the north american plan with international dialing or it won't work. You will be able to receive calls and make local calls within the extended network, but you will pay roaming and long distance unless you have that North American plan WITH international dialing.

I have a verizon phone from the states that I use everyday here. I had signed up for the North AMerican calling plan, but when I got here, couldn't make calls back to the US. I called Verizon and they had to add international dialing in order for it to work.

T-Mobile and Cingular work over on the mainland, but not over here on the matter what they tell you...unless something has recently changed.

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