Phase I: Guinness Record

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dude keep your head dry and wear a hard
try miller or superlite
you could even listen to music
i can rent cheap

oh yeah i know a guy called tem mcmillan who spent 150 days in saturation
i believe kevin corson has some serious saturation time

I appreciate this might not really be on track but there are some highly experienced divers in the commercial field who may be able to help
This is indeed very interesting. Just found thread today and read through most of replies to catch up on news. Doesn't sound crazy or risky providing the dive is planned and precautions are taken care of.

I read about a similiar record breaker for length of time diving underwater (South Africa I think from last year) where diver was submerged in tank in shoping mall. Tank was at high temperature and food was provided via liquid which elmiminated solid waste problem. I was going to recommend the liquid food diet but if dive is 2 weeks, then this would likely be pointless. Your idea of UW toilet sounds interesting even if it isn't the most appetizing topic to cover. Was beginning to think that you were going to use surface support staff to swim through and net floaters!

Seems like only topic you didn't cover is boredom! Perhaps if you get a pool with windows you might be able to watch tv, movies and internet to stay entertained. Should be interesting if you keep in contact with scubaboard via UW keyboard and mouse. Maybe go for record number of times a movie (perhaps "The Abyss") can be watched consequetively underwater!

Another plus is if you're in a tank with windows we can tap on the glass and treat you like an aquarium fish!
darkmoon3d once bubbled...
Was beginning to think that you were going to use surface support staff to swim through and net floaters!

Hahahahhaaaa!!! I couldn't do that to people... :)

Seems like only topic you didn't cover is boredom! Perhaps if you get a pool with windows you might be able to watch tv, movies and internet to stay entertained. Should be interesting if you keep in contact with scubaboard via UW keyboard and mouse.

Yes, that's the plan. :) I thought that would be exceedingly cool. The plan is for a waterproofed, remote keyboard and mouse, with a waterproofed remote control, a big window and some cool movies.

I believe, too, that daily maintenance, keeping myself and the tank clean, guaging the switching of tanks, and the like will probably keep me busier than most people know.

Plus, there will no doubt be lots of interaction with people and media "on the outside." I'm sure that I'll be a very busy diver. :)

Another plus is if you're in a tank with windows we can tap on the glass and treat you like an aquarium fish!

Hehehee... Yep, I got a lot of that at the SC Aquarium when I was a volunteer there...
Have you heard back from any facilities willing to help out with 24 hour dive or 14 day one? You mentioned Duke was intersted. If you happen to pick a place in Florida I'd be glad to help out; providing we don't have to clean up floaters!

Do you have a rough time plan of when you think you'll be doing dives?
Did a search to lookup underwater keyboards and mouse and found these sites. Didn't look up UW monitors or speakers since if tank has windows a monitor can simply be placed on opposite side. Either that or a video projector could perhaps be used to avoid glare problems which might occur with glass. There's already plenty of UW speakers available including expensive ones hotels or natatoriums put in or simple cheap lap swimming ear plugs which operate on FM signals.

Waterproof Keyboard


Canesta - Projection Keyboard and Mouse

That's one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time. I wonder how well it'll work underwater?

I'll give these guys a shout and see if they'd be interested in a sponsorship. That would be too cool.

Yes... I have some interested parties... And Florida's looking like it's going to be home to the Phase 5 dive.

I'll be spending some time with Duke over the next couple of weekends. I'll keep y'all posted on what happens there.

Good things, man. :D
I saw it demoed at a computer trad show two weeks ago. A bit sluggish but works pretty well. Don't think they're in commercial production and are only in prototype stage right now. Since they require a flat surface; was thinking that it could be projected onto tank window (would be alot easier than building UW case for the thing and having waterproof cable snaking out of the tank to PC).

SeaJay once bubbled...

That's one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time. I wonder how well it'll work underwater?

I'll give these guys a shout and see if they'd be interested in a sponsorship. That would be too cool.

Yes... I have some interested parties... And Florida's looking like it's going to be home to the Phase 5 dive.

I'll be spending some time with Duke over the next couple of weekends. I'll keep y'all posted on what happens there.

Good things, man. :D
Sure does! Aside from being slow (annoying if you're a fast typer) and requiring a flat surface it works great. At computer show it was being demoed in a dark room so don't know if ambient light might mess it up or not. Obvisouly not only would having a flat surface be required but anything blocking the beam projection would not allow it to work. Not commercially available yet but I really want one too!
This question may have been asked, but it started burning in my mind so bad after the first two pages I had to jump to the end and ask, but, how the heck are you going to do a #2 under the water?! I assume no wet suite due to the 95 degrees, so that will be easy, an underwater habitat maybe? but then you wouldn't be doing scuba anymore even if you went in for a "rest".

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