Phase I: Guinness Record

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Yeah... I've heard other DIR-ites say that record-breaking for the sake of record-breaking is stupid. I wasn't sure how this event was going to sit with GUE trained divers.

But like Rich said, the overall picture is the safety issue. Yes, it's stupid to be attracted to risk for the sake of being risky. Sooner or later, that bites you in the butt.

...But I believe there's an acceptable margin of risk here... And frankly, it's not very high. Which is good... After all, I like being safe. Safe is good. :)

Divesherpa, I don't remember conversing with you about solo cave exploration, but just the thought of it makes me shudder. While I can understand peoples' justification for diving solo when there really is a buddy topside, and the max depth is like 20', (yeah, you're not supposed to do it, but the risk is so low that it's hard to justify freaking out about it) I can't see how in the world someone would want to explore a cave solo.

Frankly, I've been in the caverns at Ginnie without my buddy... And it's pretty darn scary. It's not something that I would encourage in a cavern, much less a true cave.

I like buddies... I haven't been an angel in the "always dive with a buddy" regard, but I believe in the system... And can't see why someone would purposely set out to avoid having a buddy.

Have you truly explored a real cave solo? Honestly, aside from the obvious safety issue, didn't you miss sharing the experience with someone? Why would you WANT to explore a cave solo?

...And I don't think that's "super DIR"... That's just been my (admittedly shallow) experience. What's been yours? I believe you've got a lot more cave experience than I do.

Hey, did you check out the link that LVX posted? The guy in there doesn't look to me to be participating in "sheer idiocy." Apparently, the press doesn't feel that way either. What makes you say that? Where's the "that's an idiotic thing to do" perspective come from?

I will tell you this, though... My track record alone proves that if I say I'm going to do something, I do it. I might not always get it done when I intend to, but I always get it done. There's not one thing I've ever dreamed that I've failed to accomplish. Sure, I might have been knocked down a few times, and I might have failed a few times... But only *I* say when to fail... Until then, "failing" is just something that I do on the way to success. All I've got to do is try one more time than I fail.

...And that philosophy has proven right every time.

If I say that I'm gonna break that record... And I do... Then I will. It's already done, as far as I'm concerned. We just have to wait for the Guinness Book to catch up. :D

... Of course, the thought process might seem silly or magical, but it's not... I still have to do the work and put forth the effort. Thus, there's Phases 1 through 4 to contend with. I have a lot of work to do.

Divesherpa, interested in attending the event? Your negative attitude would fuel my fire. I find it very encouraging. :)
Seajay, Have you read Aquanaut713's post in the benefit section concerning a diving benefit?
Don and I wish you the best of luck and are still hoping to dive with you again in October! Let us know if we can help in any way

Here is a record I'll bet you'll never try for (or survive the attempt). I don't understand your desire for for this but best of luck.

Highest Fall Survived Without A Parachute
Vesna Vulovic, a flight attendant from Yugoslavia, survived a fall from 10,160 m (33,330 ft) when the DC-9 airplane she was traveling in blew up over Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic), on January 26, 1972. A terrorist bomb was thought to be the cause, and no other passengers survived. Vesna broke both legs and was temporarily paralyzed from the waist down.

Vesna remembers nothing, but later learned that a former nurse, Bruno Henke, saw Vesna's legs sticking out of the fuselage. Bruno cleared Vesna's airways before rushing her to hospital. Three days later she awoke from a coma in a hospital in Ceska, Karmenice.

She says, "I was so lucky to have survived! I hit the earth – not the trees, not the snow, but the frozen ground." Strangely, the first words she uttered, "Can I have a cigarette," were in English!

Luckily, she suffered no psychological trauma, and no fear of flying. Prevented from returning to her job, she forged a new career in administration. "I was able to fly over the world for free," she says. Her experience has helped her form a philosophical attitude towards life. "I believe we are masters of our lives - we hold all the cards and it is up to us to use them right."
mgri once bubbled...

You can go quite a while without passing solid waste. Hate to say this but my record in that dept. is TWO WEEKS! When I was in the Army and we were in the field for long periods of time in tactical situations we would eat two MREs a day. One thing people don't tell you about MREs is how little fiber they have, they back you up in a hurry.

I hear ya! MREs for a week before is what I was going to suggest. Dehydrated pork patty and that chocolate graham cracker bar. A couple of those ought to do you for at least the 1st week. Ahhh, the good ole days of FTX's, Reforger, Team Spirit, I LOVE the field.
No, I didn't see the benefit thing... I'll check that out...

Great to gear from you, Lisa! Please tell Don that I'm hoping that his arm improves. That's pretty weird stuff... Please keep me updated! :)

About the fall: I remember reading about that as a kid... That's she'd survived the fall from 33,000 feet in the tail section of an airplane. Amazing. Completely amazing.

Yeah, I'll skip trying to beat that record... :)
SeaJay once bubbled...
Originally, I had the backing of the South Carolina Aquarium at Charleston... But as the day grew closer, the lead diver told me simply, "Legally, I would have to be here the entire time you're in the water... And I'm not willing to spend 14 days here."

Acctually you never had the aquarium's support for this and I'm sure they told you that right after tehy informed you that you and your girlfriend were fired!!! Hey how do you get fired as a volunteer anyway?
aquariumdiver once bubbled...

Acctually you never had the aquarium's support for this and I'm sure they told you that right after tehy informed you that you and your girlfriend were fired!!! Hey how do you get fired as a volunteer anyway?

Yikes, only two posts and both are slamming seajay....

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this guy has a grudge.
I think you're right, mgri... I had no enemies at the aquarium... So they're probably just some dork full of B.S.

I didn't get "fired" at the aquarium... Who told you that? Furthermore, RavenC never officially left... Although she's opted not to return without her main dive buddy. :)

Who filled you with that baloney?
mgri once bubbled...

Yikes, only two posts and both are slamming seajay....

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this guy has a grudge.

You could say that! I've been on dives with this guy and he's a menace, a poor rep to divers in this area or anywhere for that matter, and has a loosey attitude. He's a loose cannon that leaves his buddy on a whim and will get someone killed before he wises up.
aquariumdiver once bubbled...

You could say that! I've been on dives with this guy and he's a menace, a poor rep to divers in this area or anywhere for that matter, and has a loosey attitude. He's a loose cannon that leaves his buddy on a whim and will get someone killed before he wises up.

At least he can type in English.

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