Passenger Bill of Rights for air travel

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Geezz Gregorio please stay on topic :D
I’m not sure most people know this fact. I just learned it several years ago. Industries advertise, as we all know, but not everyone knows to what extent they go to to influence public opinion. The Dairy industry places ads, car industry, liquor industry, airline industry, beef industry, pork and poultry do, as an example.. Not only do they place ads and TV spots but they also use the Internet and bloggers to help shape public opinion and change the negatives and perspectives. Industries will even pay teens to talk up their products at colleges, high schools and young adults on the bar scene. Industries realize the power of word of mouth so they spread their word using these methods and use bloggers to spread the word on the Internet: in chat rooms, message boards etc.

The industry puts out a list of talking points these people must hit on, talk up, and use to rebut criticism. Sometimes they are hard to spot, other times they are easier. When someone rebuts critics with such passion that they sound as if they are part of that industry, or have a vested stake in swaying your opinion, it should raise a red flag.

What am I suggesting? Well, I suggest that one poster in this thread COULD be such an industry plant. It is possible. My suspicions were aroused by the “industry talking points” that, to me, reveal an insider point of view, a scripted response.

One tactic they are told to use when they are suspected of being an industry plant, pro industry blogger, is suggest the other person is a conspiracy nut, a person that is hysterical, or the idea of such a thing is beyond belief, to the point of absurdity. It is not absurd at all, and quite POSSIBLE.
ohgo, you will recall I predicted jetblue would trade off 10% to 15% in the next few months. It is now down 13% Perhaps investors are coming to realize what the flying public, which did not get an opportunity to FLY, realizes: they need to change and make improvements.
pilot fish:
I just got 2 PM's from that person accusing me of all the industry rebutal points I told they would use. :) Very scripted. text book

lol. Gawd.

Let's take a look at that PM, shall we?



Your posts make you appear foolish. You know that, right?

So, what you are accusing me of is that not only am I a shill for the airline industry, but that I am getting PAID for discussing this with you?

And that the more facts I use, the more persuasive I am, the more clearly I write, the more intelligent I come off sounding, the more I discredit you, is simply more evidence that I am being paid to do this?

What about that logic doesn't sound like a theory developed by a tin-foil hat wearing conspiricist? Or by someone who just hates to be wrong?

Exactly what would convince you that what you're accusing me of wasn't true? Start typing idiotic, unfactual blather? Shout obscenities at you? Sorry, just not my style.

Trust me, no lie, there is no amount of money anyone could pay me to debate with someone like you. I am doing this simply because the things that you type come across so outrageously that I can't help but try and set the record straight. I'd rather not, this really is a waste of my time. But, you're wrong more often than not. I have demonstrated that. That's all the payment I need.

Have a great day.

But, keep your posts coming, they are pretty funny

Some script.

Oh, the other 2 were in reference to the JetBlue stock posts. Mentioning that the entire exchange was down 10%. I'm not sure what script that's from. I really was trying soooooo hard not to post past #600. This is like digital crack.

Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure, I also reported him for his personal accusations. I don't know if that's an industry talking point or not.

Truly sorry everyone for posting past #600, but, this is sort of a different topic, so it doesn't really count, right? :eyebrow:
"Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure, I also reported him for his personal accusations. I don't know if that's an industry talking point or not."]]ohgo

I know that, ohgo. That's uaually what happens when someone runs out of sound arguments. "You shall know them by thier words." The industries instruct their people to use whatever means available, within the law, to shut down opposition and to influence public opinion.

it might interest you to know that PM's, and their author and contents, are not for public disclosure. Did you know that? You will take notice I did not name you or give specifscs of your posts?
[[["If we can demonstrate that these bloggers are worth the cost it takes to maintain them, we will enable the creation of many more compelling, useful blogs. The key to success lies in the creation of great bloggers for these sites--bloggers that will contain practical and engaging content and drive traffic to their respective hosts. One sure-fire way to do this is to hire industry bloggers. "]]] taken from the Internet. Hire a blogger.
pilot fish:
The probe has begun into why airlines allow planes to sit on the runway for endless hours with trappend passengers, that are not free to deplane.
She does voice my feelings here: Transportation Secretary Mary Peters said in a statement. "It is imperative that airlines do everything possible to ensure that situations like these do not occur again." and "Passengers have a right to know what to expect when it comes to ground delays," she said.

But this strikes me as caca: Last week, the Air Transport Association, which represents most major passenger and cargo carriers, said the Federal Aviation Administration should allow delayed flights to come back to terminals so passengers can exit planes without forcing those planes to lose their place in line for takeoff.

How about assigning reasonable places in line before boarding passengers? I have never worked as an air traffic controller, but if this could be done - it seems like a better idea.
those planes to lose their place in line for takeoff.

because that's what happens now.

I wonder if they had said "folks we are going to hang in here on the tarmack, so we don't have your flight canceled", if the people would have been more content?

Sometimes just having the respect of communication makes all the difference.

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