Passenger Bill of Rights for air travel

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pilot fish:
I would have to look at each issue individually.
Please do, I am interested in your take, or retake on the issue of cost.
pilot fish:
I would allow for some wiggle room on some issues so the airlines could stay solvent and make a profit but there IS NO ROOM FOR ANY MEASURE SHORT OF THE 3 HOUR LIMIT ON REALASING PASSENGERS FROM CONFINEMENT. I'm actually being very lenient on this issue. It really should be just two hours.
I have no argument here, I believe I said this before that making people stay on aircraft for extended periods is not right.

pilot fish:
The mere $9.07 a pound repayment for lost luggage would have to be adjusted upwards. I'm flexible.
You won't get much argument from me on this either. However, looking for full replacement cost for items in luggage is:
a. expensive from an insurance standpoint;
b. asking for an increase in bureaucracy - you will need a policy regarding how to document what is in someone's luggage and a system to adjudicate claims;
c. opening the door to fraud. On this I am a pessimist; basically I don't trust people not to try to take advantange any way they can.

Even moving companies don't provide full replacement coverage for damaged items unless you are willing to pay for it, else you have to purchase your own policy.
tedtim, I think you and I are in agreement on these issues. I realize you cannot replace items in lost luggage dollar for dollar but it needs to be adjusted upwards. The 3 hour limit is just a damn must and nothing short of that is appropriate.

Please do, I am interested in your take, or retake on the issue of cost. I have no argument here, I believe I said this before that making people stay on aircraft for extended periods is not right.

You won't get much argument from me on this either. However, looking for full replacement cost for items in luggage is:
a. expensive from an insurance standpoint;
b. asking for an increase in bureaucracy - you will need a policy regarding how to document what is in someone's luggage and a system to adjudicate claims;
c. opening the door to fraud. On this I am a pessimist; basically I don't trust people not to try to take advantange any way they can.

Even moving companies don't provide full replacement coverage for damaged items unless you are willing to pay for it, else you have to purchase your own policy.
I remember that date Sept 10, 2001, very clearly because of what happened the next day, 911 disaster, and where I was, across the street from the World Trade Center North Tower at 6:30 PM dropping someone off at their apartment in Battery Park City. Myself and two people form my office were due to pick her up the next day at 8:45 am on the 11th but were delayed at the office till 9 waiting for someon that was late. We could not get down the East River Drive at that time because Fire trucks and police cars were streaming down. We thanked that person for being late later on, when we heard was had happened.:( :( :(

I don't remember any rain that evening. Did the rain happend late at night?

I had something like this happen to me. This was after a 5-day 400 mile bike ride, and I was eager to get home.

It was on September 10 2001 in New York City, and we sat on the plane AT THE GATE for 8 hours waiting for rain to clear before they canceled the flight. We were given a room and were booked to be on the 9 am flight the next day.

The flight the next morning also got delayed a few minutes do to an 'irregular passenger incident'. Needless to say, after sitting at the gate a bit that plane didn't take off either.

After sitting on the plane that long, I would support some sort of law preventing the airlines from holding us prisoner for so long just sitting there. Better yet, since I don't like unnecessary laws how about just allowing us to leave the plane and the involuntary imprisonment as it sits there without charging us (the passengers) with a felony.
pilot fish:
I would have to look at each issue individually.

Then why don't you? I am sure all those watching this thread are waiting for your findings.

pilot fish:
I would allow for some wiggle room on some issues so the airlines could stay solvent and make a profit but there
Well thank you, our overlord. :shakehead
pilot fish:
Again I will ask you, please post your letters to your senators demanding these concerns be addressed.
pilot fish:
I'm actually being very lenient on this issue. It really should be just two hours.
Really? Your leniency seems to be limited in mouth/posts to this board only, do you really try and take your battle off the board where it may make a difference?
Please do not post character assaults, thankyou...
Please do not post character assaults, thankyou...
:cowboy: :thumb:

Goodbye ole' chum!
Was the SI forum raided or something. This is a discussion thread, intentionally disruptive posts are prohibited. From the TOS...
Harassment, threats and personal insults: Posts that contain direct or indirect threats of a physical or non-physical nature along with posts that contain personal attacks or insults are not allowed. Users are also expressly forbidden from engaging in activities that may be seen as harassment. This includes targeting other users with a personal attack, intentionally responding to all of a particular user’s thread in a negative manner in order to discredit them or otherwise seeking to intentionally anger, upset or continuously attack another member (trolling). Constructive criticism of other members and debate is encouraged as long as it does not turn into a personal attack. In the event that either party feels a debate is no longer constructive, we ask both parties to respectfully disengage before creating a disruption of the thread.

Interpretation of that is subjective to Mod ruling if needed, but I feel certain that in context of this thread, "no hablo ingles ?" could also be viewed as disruptive and intended other than the spirit of that section.

We may be finished with this thread. Does anyone have anything directly related to the subjected to post in a constructive manner...??
The issues in the proposed Passenger Bill of Rights are, no doubt, negotiable. They are meant to set a basic standard that will prevent the airlines from the type of disaster that happened with JetBlue, passengers left in horrible conditions and trapped on a plane for 8 to 11 hours. The time allowed before an airline must return to the terminal and release passengers, in the PB of R, is 3 hours - a reasobale amount of time, but that time frame might even be adjusted down to two. The payment for lost luggage is presently at about $9.70 per lb and that is unacceptable. We realize there can be no dollar for dollar for loss but the $9.70 must be adjusted upwards to a fairer amount.

No one wants to bankrupt the airlines but it is obvious improvements are called for.
I would like to say my admiration to OGD for his patience, his clarity, his humor, and most of all for his patience. Great Job.
In the other hand what I would like to say about others would violate the TOS, so I keep it for me...

And 600 is for me!

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