I've been teaching diving for 20 years now. I have never used the words "panic or bolt" in any class I have ever run. It is also a failure point for instructor candidates.
In all the time teaching I have only had two divers "panic and bolt" both were from referrals from other instructors and never should have been in the water to begin with. We found this out on the first pool session.
For technical divers it's pretty simple to see who will and who will not bug out. One gas share drill will show you. Instead of promptly providing the long hose -- take a moment-- watch what happens. If the guy or gal are cool ... good chance there is no problem there. If the eyes get big, wide, and you see the fear in their face ......... you will have a problem.
I like to have discussions with divers prior to diving with them. It will include things about personal life, business, family etc. I try to find stressors and also ask "Is there anything that has gone on in the last 24 - 48 hours that upset you or is on your mind?" ....... if there is **** going on in their life that is out of sorts - i strongly suggest they sit out the dive until its clear.
I also want to know about all meds. If a diver is on anti convulsants, anti depressants, or other psychotropics i want to know.
In all the time teaching I have only had two divers "panic and bolt" both were from referrals from other instructors and never should have been in the water to begin with. We found this out on the first pool session.
For technical divers it's pretty simple to see who will and who will not bug out. One gas share drill will show you. Instead of promptly providing the long hose -- take a moment-- watch what happens. If the guy or gal are cool ... good chance there is no problem there. If the eyes get big, wide, and you see the fear in their face ......... you will have a problem.
I like to have discussions with divers prior to diving with them. It will include things about personal life, business, family etc. I try to find stressors and also ask "Is there anything that has gone on in the last 24 - 48 hours that upset you or is on your mind?" ....... if there is **** going on in their life that is out of sorts - i strongly suggest they sit out the dive until its clear.
I also want to know about all meds. If a diver is on anti convulsants, anti depressants, or other psychotropics i want to know.
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