Compare RSTC standards to NAUI, CMAS, SEI, IANTD, SDI, or most others and you will see how laughable the RSTC standards are. They don't even look like standards. More like an outline of standards. Hold up in a courtroom? C'mon be serious. Get any half decent instructor up there to describe an actual class and the jury will wonder what good RSTC standards are.
I have a question. On SEI's webpage they state they teach to and exceed WRSTC standards. Here is their quote, "S.E.I. meets and exceeds WRSTC standards and is the only agency in the US to offer CMAS certifcations under USOA." Is there a difference between RSTC and WRSTC?
Also I searched high and low for a list of instructors on your (SEI) website. Is there a link I missed for that?