PADI tables finally going away?

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How many different computers are your students qualified to use after certification? How can you teach the use of a computer when their operations are so different from model to model? Say you teach me to use an Oceanic, then I buy a Liquivision... What has your instruction bought me in terms of using the new computer?
I'd rather give them complete instruction on tables that they can use on any dive they choose and provide an overview of computers. Keep in mind, the 'overview' consists of a lecture on computers, as well as many references to their advantages for recreational divers throughout the course.
In the case where a diver buys a computer you haven't trained them on, how is your omission of tables and focus on a specific computer an advantage over my chosen method?

Wow, that's a toughie. Can you even produce such a person? Might be easier to find an Invisible Pink Unicorn. Diving is an expensive sport. What if your regs fail? Are you going to give up diving because you can't afford to replace them? Now you lost a fin and your mask. The costs just keep adding up.

The REAL issue here is that instructors are turning out divers who are not able to use a very common, useful and simple tool. While you might not have a problem with that, I certainly do.
H how is your omission of tables and focus on a specific computer an advantage
You're confusing the integration of computers while diving with pushing buttons.

Almost all computers have

Ascent graphs
Nitrogen Loading graphs
OxTox alarms
Ox Exposure alarms
Dive Planner
Dive Logger

Some even have integrated air.

The PDCs I teach with (Veo250) are very simple to use and my students don't spend much time dealing with the mechanics. My focus is to train them in the use of each of these items. After all, no table comes with alarms or graphs. They can apply what they learn on the Veo250 to any other computer that they might buy.
i agree with dave ...i feel that as a "instructor" if you fail to properly teach the tables you have failed in your profession how many times have i witnessed and overheard but my computer is set conservatively so i know i still have more time well guess what my computer is not set like yours now what? i'm supposed to go up with you becuse your pdc says so ? not according to my pdc? my turn warning is set for 1000 psi what's yours set for? my end psi is set for 300 psi GOD FORBID ohh yeah..forgot to tell ya i have a 19cu ft pony my pdc is set for a 5 min saftey @20 ft..yours says 15 ft for 3 mins i still stand firm ..if you can't read and work tables you shouldn't be diving ..and should of never been certified
My computer doesn't have


Nitrogen Loading graphs

Ox Exposure [-]alarms[/-]

Dive Planner

It has Oxygen Exposure as a percentage, no alarm. No Alarms period.
if you can't read and work tables you shouldn't be diving ..and should of never been certified
Well, I am certainly glad you don't set policy for the RSTC :D I'll be sure to tell all my students that they are gonna die for not learning tables!
Well, I am certainly glad you don't set policy for the RSTC :D I'll be sure to tell all my students that they are gonna die for not learning tables!

And diving split fins, poodle jackets, nitrox, stainless clips etc..
It has Oxygen Exposure as a percentage, no alarm. No Alarms period.
[poking fun] You could have shopped better. [/poking fun]

Which is why I used "Almost all" as opposed to "All" in my post. Some PDCs are more tech in nature, but you DO own some PDCs with those elements. I know, cuz I have seen you dive with them.

For the OW student, there is no need to get all fancy. As/if they progress, I am sure that they will add to their inventory of gear including PDCs designed to integrate with Rebreathers and to do deco diving. Of course, they might decide that computers rot their brain and go to tables. I would suggest that MOST divers never make it beyond AOW. Many dive only once or twice a year and haven't looked at a table since they passed their OW.

You can get as indignant about it all you want, but that's the truth. Most divers avoid tables as much as possible. Many divers are confused and bewildered by their function and are far better served by learning something that they will actually USE. You can keep your tables and slide rules, I'm gonna teach my students how to use a PDC from the start. It only makes sense.
Why can't we just teach the rule of 130 and 32% + min deco? Then we could all do the same dive up to 4x a day and not even have to touch tables, depth+time is easier than remembering all these confusing tables with residual nitrogen times, letters, surface intervals and all that stuff :D
[poking fun] You could have shopped better. [/poking fun]
I know, cuz I have seen you dive with them.


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