I come to this forum for entertainment so here's my funny diatribe
I'm on my 55th year diving after being an instructor (1978-1990), co-owning a dive shop (1985-1990) and traveling the world outside of my Ohio, USA midwest home.
The angst people have over conservative versus liberal computer algorithms boggles my brain
I am one of those whose eyes glaze over hearing gradient factor discussions, ugh, just kill me please! Too many are usually from people with health concerns that
should have them diving more conservatively in my opinion.
A majority of these folks couldn't run or fast walk a mile even if chased by Zombies !!!! LOL....
They think having $$$ or deco knowledge makes them immune to bends......Well it won't and I've seen people be surprised when their turn comes around.....Hopefully just a skin bends incident if they're lucky......Most think they're Navy SEALS and woefully dishonest about their age and physical condition.
I used to dive the ORCA Pilot EAN computers actually made by BENEMEC in Finland. They were also sold as the Dacor EQUANOX, DIVE RITE Status and other branded names.
They'd NEVER lock you out, were very liberal but could be made more conservative, would penalize you a bit on repetitive dives if you did something stupid, etc.
The GOLD TOUCH contacts eventually wouldn't work and push buttons (now touch screens) eventually displaced touch buttons. To my knowledge BENEMEC moved on to other types of manufacturing.
For over 3 decades for me it's been SUUNTO. I like them and with a $75.00 SPG dive wrist mounted ZOOP NOVOs now. I dive 2, own 4 and regularly find NEW or with maybe a few dives on them for max of$150.00. They simply work, at least for me.
On the transmitters and such......Even though I see many folks using them these days almost EVERYONE (especially on long $$$$ trips) still runs a SPG! LOL.......
I'm 71 and fit for my age (no BP or other meds) and completed 29 dives in Raja Ampat, 28 in Maldives and 26 in Bali all within the last 6 months diving 32% NITROX and never ran out of bottom time.
In Bali three of us did an 84 minute dive for our buddy's AGE (he's 84). It was glorious and yes, we worked our way up slowly drifting along several dive sites to our exit point.
Our youngish Balinese dive guide (46 and smokes like a fiend but diving every day) dives his SUUNTO ZOOP NOVO every friggin' day for WORK......Granted maybe 35M max on multiple dives but OMG....it works for him! LOL......
In my 12 + trips to Philippines I saw dive guides with 5,000+ dives under their belt using SUUNTO ZOOP (original 3 button model) for thousands of dives before they died. In Raja Ampat the live-aboard co-host lady was still using a SUUNTO Gekko and early SUUNTO EON all with 3,000+ dives on them !!!
SUUNTO computers are inexpensive with user changeable batteries. The newest 4 button ZOOP NOVO is less conservative (at least in my experience) but sure, it's not as liberal as the latest Garmin or Shearwater.
So what......
If you think pushing your depths / bottom time / short surface interval is your way to dive, have at it.....Just know you're putting yourself at more risk.
For years I've never had less than 1-1.5 hours between dives. Diving NITROX on repetitive dives gets me plenty of bottom time in a day of multi-day dive trips anywhere in the world.
I understand underwater time is limited and precious and I used to be obsessed in my younger days when I thought I was bulletproof. Age gives you insights and calculations into the risks versus rewards.
I hope my comments are received as a voice of caution to just enjoy diving. Last I checked scuba diving ISN'T a competitive sport. I still enjoy diving as much as when I was 18 years old and hope to have a few more years in good health.
No photo or extra 2-3-10 minutes is worth risking life and limb so maybe consider that when discussing dive computer algorithms, Gradient Factors , etc.
When scuba gets too heavy I'll migrate to free diving (where you can still wear some cool gadget for time and depth) and keep paddling about in the sea
Just one old guy's opinion and hope it made you laugh!
David Haas