Several people, including me, have told you several times that this is essentially incorrect, and we have even told you how to deal with the very technical reading of this "rule" that you keep bringing up. In the real world, it is a non-issue. In your world it seems to be everything. Since you have been corrected multiple times and keep on insisting on it, I wonder which of the following is true:
1. You are ignoring information to the contrary of your opinion and have not even noticed it
2. You are intentionally repeating misinformation for a reason related to a personal agenda of some sorts.
Or is there a third possibility?
You simply can not deviate from standards. You must apply for any course changes and those changes must be approved with a waiver.
When unusual training situations arise, PADI Members may apply for waivers
to deviate from specific PADI Standards. Waivers are granted only for very
exceptional circumstances and only when the waived requirement will not
jeopardize the development of essential skills or the safety of student divers
in training.
1. Before implementing any exception to PADI Standards, you must apply
in writing for, and receive, a waiver from PADI.
a. Because waivers are granted to individuals, not facilities, all dive
center/resort staff members need to apply individually if they are
likely to encounter the same training situation.
b. Requests must include specific descriptions of the situation and
rationale for the deviation.
2. If granted, a waiver is valid for one year from the date of issuance – you
must reapply annually to keep it current.
a. Waivers may become invalid if superceded by a standards revision
pertaining to the waived requirement.
b. If the specific training circumstances or logistics change, evaluate
whether you still need to deviate from standards. If so, request a new
waiver that reflects the new circumstances.
There is more material from PADI in the membership agreement, it is section #8 that also details that you can not deviate from standards. There are articles in the undersea journal and more.
PADI mentions adherence to standards just about everywhere in its material.
The Quality Management Program’s primary objective is to ensure that all PADI Members understand the importance of using PADI’s educational system and adhere to PADI Standards.
On the other hand, when members deviate from standards, the Quality Management Program acts to get them back on track to avoid future problems. The Quality Management Procedures flowchart provides you with an overview of the quality assurance process.
8. I understand and agree that all members (individuals, dive centers and resorts)
involved in the training of a particular student, as determined by student certification
records at PADI, are responsible for adherence to PADI, DSAT and/or EFR Standards,
as appropriate, during the conduct of that training. The Training and Quality
Management Department will communicate with all involved members upon receipt of
reports or any other information indicating possible violations of Standards and
With all the information that PADI puts out about adherence to standards, I have no idea where you get your information from.
I am guessing that you have never taken a PADI instructor course and you have not learned that you can niether add nor subtract from a course unless you have it in writing, then you must abide by that written statement.