PADI Patches - Where do you get them and how do you wear them?

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Onespeed no understand challange coin
I think I am just going to buy myslef a P-coat and put all my patches on it.

Arizona Memorial
Mt. Fugi
Get a custom with a B-Mod target with 9 holes in the head and a 500yd Iron sites chevron :D (fun range story)
PADI stuffs
Patches, Coins, Tabs & yaddda yadda yadda! Did anybody answer this poor guys/gals question? Personally, I don't see anything wrong with his/her asking when and where to display something earned. I have my PADI DM patch on a sweatshirt/hoodie that I use to keep warm & dry after a dive.
Now.... I realize, with this crowd, that someoone is gonna make a comment about me having "snivel gear" etc..

So, go ahead...have your fun, I don't care! LOL
Patches, Coins, Tabs & yaddda yadda yadda! Did anybody answer this poor guys/gals question? Personally, I don't see anything wrong with his/her asking when and where to display something earned. I have my PADI DM patch on a sweatshirt/hoodie that I use to keep warm & dry after a dive.
Now.... I realize, with this crowd, that someoone is gonna make a comment about me having "snivel gear" etc..

So, go ahead...have your fun, I don't care! LOL

Quit sniveling.:shakehead
Like the OP I am aslo ex-military and I do have a boat coat with all the trimmings because I took the time to get the extra training. And no I don't walk around the boat/dive site telling everyone how ultra-SCUBA-coll I am (unlike Sideband, Melicertes and Gilless).

So chew on that for a while.
Ahem, I think you should read my post more carefully. I did not say that I wear patches to proclaim how übercool I am, in fact I do not wear any patches at all. I was simply saying that in general the people that keep a low profile are usually the guys/gals who know that they don't know what they don't know and usually also know enough to keep quiet and let the Badge Jacket spout how tough he is and how deep he dived this morning because this type of Wannabe inevitably lets his/her true colors shine through sooner or later without anybody's help.

I also stated that I am generalizing and that there are certainly exceptions to the "rule," but thus far I have found in my experience that the large majority of divers who proclaim their own greatness and many achievements are far more interested in wanting to look good and impress other people than what they are in honing their own skills, diving ever more safely, and discovering their own inner confidence in who they are as people and divers. The looking good mask usually fades and flakes relatively soon; those who sit quietly observing only stay as long as it's entertaining and then get up and leave to go find some peace and quiet or something somesuch.
I find that the relationship between the number of certification/specialty patches of any agency displayed by a diver and the diving skill of that diver are usually inversely related.
You said it Dr Bill. :coffee:
Do you even remember what beer tastes like? I know they aren't giving you beer to wash down your MRE's.

Sadly they aren't :( I do however get to drink as much piss water. . . err I mean near beer as I want. . .
Quit sniveling. :shakehead


patches? we don't need no stinking patches :bandit_2:
Ahem, I think you should read my post more carefully. I did not say that I wear patches to proclaim how übercool I am, in fact I do not wear any patches at all. I was simply saying that in general the people that keep a low profile are usually the guys/gals who know that they don't know what they don't know and usually also know enough to keep quiet and let the Badge Jacket spout how tough he is and how deep he dived this morning because this type of Wannabe inevitably lets his/her true colors shine through sooner or later without anybody's help.

I also stated that I am generalizing and that there are certainly exceptions to the "rule," but thus far I have found in my experience that the large majority of divers who proclaim their own greatness and many achievements are far more interested in wanting to look good and impress other people than what they are in honing their own skills, diving ever more safely, and discovering their own inner confidence in who they are as people and divers. The looking good mask usually fades and flakes relatively soon; those who sit quietly observing only stay as long as it's entertaining and then get up and leave to go find some peace and quiet or something somesuch.

Dude you have a snorkel in your profile pic, how can I take you seriously?? :rofl3:

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