Padi Master scuba diver

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For AOW, you did one each of the varied specialty dives. To get each specialty card, you need to (a) complete the knowledge review for that specialty and (b) complete the dives (typically 2-4) for that specialty. The one AOW dive in that specialty can count towards the specialty dive total, but that's up to the specialty instructor.

Thanks! I get it now!
I feel a bit obtuse here, but, so even though I did deep as part of my AOW, I would have to do it again, and get a card? Or, I would have to pick another 4 specialties that I didn't do, like drysuit, let's say, since I read that book already, and get cards for them?

What you did in AOW is adventure dives, rather than distinct specialties. If you go on to take the deep diver specialty, the deep adventure dive will count as one of the dives for the deep specialty certification.

Think of adventure dives as sort of an introduction to the topic.
If you go on to take the deep diver specialty, the deep adventure dive will count as one of the dives for the deep specialty certification.
At the instructors discretion. Which also cynically translates to "if the instructor wants to do the bare minimum".

Think of adventure dives as sort of an introduction to the topic.

Which cynically translates to sales pitch for a topic. Then after you buy all five specialities you have to buy the master dive card which doesn't even have a single class associated with it. They could at least give it to you for free after taking ow, aow, efr, rescue and 5 specs. (Buy 9 get 1 free...:wink: )
What you did in AOW is adventure dives, rather than distinct specialties. If you go on to take the deep diver specialty, the deep adventure dive will count as one of the dives for the deep specialty certification.

Think of adventure dives as sort of an introduction to the topic.

I guess I missed the distinction between "adventure" dive and distinct specialty, although I am sure the terminology was right there in the manual. Thanks for clarifying for me!
I guess I missed the distinction between "adventure" dive and distinct specialty, although I am sure the terminology was right there in the manual. Thanks for clarifying for me!

Hence why it's called the "adventures in diving manual". :) Or at least it was 13 years ago.
At the instructors discretion. Which also cynically translates to "if the instructor wants to do the bare minimum".

Which cynically translates to sales pitch for a topic. Then after you buy all five specialities you have to buy the master dive card which doesn't even have a single class associated with it. They could at least give it to you for free after taking ow, aow, efr, rescue and 5 specs. (Buy 9 get 1 free...:wink: )

I'm not much of a cynic. I tend to give any instructor the benefit of the doubt.

I also like the fact that they charge for the MSD, it makes mine more unique. If it were free then every Tom, Dick and Harry with Rescue and 5 specialties would have one :D
I'm not much of a cynic. I tend to give any instructor the benefit of the doubt.

I also like the fact that they charge for the MSD, it makes mine more unique. If it were free then every Tom, Dick and Harry with Rescue and 5 specialties would have one :D

I've seen too many instructors to give all of them the benefit of the doubt. Also spending more money doesn't make me feel more elite.
I've seen too many instructors to give all of them the benefit of the doubt. Also spending more money doesn't make me feel more elite.

Perhaps I haven't seen as many bad instructors as you, but I probably should revise my statement to read "they get the benefit of the doubt the first time" :)
I guess I missed the distinction between "adventure" dive and distinct specialty, although I am sure the terminology was right there in the manual. Thanks for clarifying for me!

No worries Amy...this is quite common. Think of it as the AOW was a sampler platter of different appetizers and the next time you can just get or focus on just one appetizer whole heartedly.
Interesting thread from the viewpoint of sociological observation. I'm old enough now to look at younger generations and have some perspective. People of my children's generation (now in their late 20's and early 30's) have different expectations concerning "achievement" as compared to my generation (at least as a broad generalization). Maybe MSD is a reflection of the "everyone gets a trophy" mindset?

I haven't gotten the MSD card, even though I've completed the qualifications. It's not important to me. I'm currently a DMC, which is important to me :)

I guess the value of the MSD rating is: whatever it means personally to the individual.

In my mind to have value, the requirements need to be tougher. Fluff specialities shouldn't apply, extra theory should be incorporated. I never did an adventure dive for AOW, taking what I considered useful specialities under appropriate circumstances (Nav in a quarry w/ 6' - 1' viz, Deep to 130', Drysuit, Nitrox, Equipment, and Rescue again in a crummy viz quarry). What do I know though, I'm a crusty old guy. :D

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