Daphne and Janko,
Okay! Let's stop the hypothesizing!
I am one of those people specifically targeted for checking by my own government, so rather than talking in gereralities, let's talk about specifics!
I am an IDC Staff Instructor for PADI. I am also, and of even more interest, an Intructor Trainer for IANTD, and a re-breather instructor. (Ah-hah!! An instructor in what could be utilized as bubble-less military technology...veddy interesting!!!)
Did the FBI check on me? You bet they did! Am I upset about it? You had better bet that I am NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! They ran a check, and were satisfied. Had they come to my door to talk to me, I would have been happy to talk to them.
In the aftermath of the vicious attacks on our country, we criticized the FBI for not paying attention to reports that they received from their own agents in the field---and RIGHTLY SO---because if investigated, those reports might have led to actions that would have prevented the horror!
Now, we find them being more pro-active, and I for one say: "It's about bloody time!"
Yesterday was the third anniversary of the vicious and cowardly attack that murdered thousands of our citizens in the heart of our most populous city.
I note that one of you is Swiss, and one is Canadian.
Three thousand of your fellow citizens did not perish in flame and thunder in Ontario, or Basel. You have been spared the horror,---FOR NOW.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that you are not on the list for attacks by the Islamo-fascists. You are still the infidel, and your way of life is still unacceptable to them.---(Educated women who work outside the home and are not covered head to foot are an extreme abomination, for instance, in their view.)---You both are just lower priority targets!
We are trying our best to do what must be done to take the fight to the enemy without trampling on basic liberties that we, as a nation, hold sacred. This is a tough tight-rope for anyone to walk.
Make no mistake. We are in a fight to the finish. Our enemies have shown that they have NO compunctions WHATSOEVER. As they did in Beslan, they will murder children by shooting them in the back, and blasting them with bombs in order to advance their terrorist agenda.
If you do not understand the message they are sending with their bombs, bullets, and savagery, you are simply not living in the real world!