fairybasslet:The trouble with a narcotic pain reliever is that you need a higher and higher dose to get the same effect, not to mention the fact that it is addictive. My bil is addicted to fentanyl. Not a pretty sight.
I really don't know what I would do if I were in chronic pain, and I hope I never have to find out. But after seeing what it has done to my bil, I think I would try a whole heap of other stuff before relying on a narcotic.
FB...please do not pass judgment on this individual and please do not turn this into a discussion of whether or not someone is addicted to pain killers. Please start another thread if you want to have that discussion.
I asked directed questions about the side effects and diving indications for a certain drug and received answers from the Dr. here on the island as well as other medical professionals. They answered my questions with facts...that's all I needed and I don't want this thread taking the wrong direction.