Diving after tiny dose of valium

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That was my thought at the beginning of this discussion.
Providers generally do not prescribe medications with the intent of it being a placebo. It's more likely that it has enough of a therapeutic effect to enable the OP to use other anxiety management strategies effectively.

Best regards,
Providers generally do not prescribe medications with the intent of it being a placebo. It's more likely that it has enough of a therapeutic effect to enable the OP to use other anxiety management strategies effectively.

Best regards,

I should have been clear - I don’t believe that the script was written as a placebo. However when self titrating the dose a patient my reduce a dose by so much that there is no longer a therapeutic effect from the medication itself and any perceived benefits are a placebo.
Providers generally do not prescribe medications with the intent of it being a placebo. It's more likely that it has enough of a therapeutic effect to enable the OP to use other anxiety management strategies effectively

The OP stated he was taking a much lower dose than prescribed.

The dose prescribed was 7.5mg per day, which is close to the minimum recommended adult dose.
I take a maximum of 1.25mg on any one day and not every day, but on an as needs basis. So about one sixths of what was already a low prescribed dose.
The OP stated he was taking a much lower dose than prescribed.
Thanks for that. Worth noting then that the minimum adult dose in the prescribing information is 2 mg vs. 7.5. The dose the OP is taking is still below that.

Best regards,
I should have been clear - I don’t believe that the script was written as a placebo. However when self titrating the dose a patient my reduce a dose by so much that there is no longer a therapeutic effect from the medication itself and any perceived benefits are a placebo.
I agree. Good point.

Best regards,

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