I have relatives who stayed in Kabayan before. The hotel seems fine, but the location is really a drag. Like Andy, I would also suggest that you stay in Makati. Makati is a good first step into the country, I think - more modern and a bit cleaner than Manila.
A friend owns a hotel relatively in the same area as Howzat Inn, and they're quite reputable as a business hotel.
Check it out HERE.
That area is quite busy, with the red light district just around the corner, but it's easy to get to different places from there. Makati is just a 20-45mins ride from the airport.
When exactly are you arriving, and which airport will you be flying from on your way out? I'd be happy to meet up with you, maybe even give you a ride if my schedule allows.

I'm on couchsurfing, too, so I'm used to bringing people around.
Regarding taxis, I suggest you take the yellow cab. It has its own queu, so it should be easy to find. They have a higher flag down and distance rates, but it's not that expensive and you're sure to not be hassled by the drivers. Your other options are the regular metered taxis or the coupon taxis. In my opinion, the coupon taxi rates are just too expensive for their worth, but you can try them as well.
Lemme know if you have more questions.