Opinions of LeisurePro

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$689 might be the MAP -- Minimum Advertised Price. Some manufacturers don't allow dealers to advertise an item below a certain price. If you call, walk in, or ask for a discount, they are allowed to sell it cheaper. They just can't advertise it cheaper.

Swinchen -- make sure you know what you're buying. Is it the Atom 2 with a transmitter and download cable? Is it covered by Oceanic's Warranty?

LP matching Oceanic's warranty might seem like a great deal....... until you're on a dive trip on the other side of the world and your trip is over because your computer died and the local Oceanic reps won't replace it. You could always switch to tables and gauges, but you need to think about all the possibilities.
Is that really true? You get better discounts if you call them then the prices they quote on the web? I have no ethical problem with it, but I just want to know if I am better phoning in next time around.

Oh yeah! Call them, I saved $60 on my fins (Mares Volo Power) alone.
Some friends of mine and myself have bnought from LP. Nwever had an issue with the products or warranty issues. My friends computer wasn't working when it arrived and they issues an RMA, he sent it back and he had one the next week.
$689 might be the MAP -- Minimum Advertised Price. Some manufacturers don't allow dealers to advertise an item below a certain price. If you call, walk in, or ask for a discount, they are allowed to sell it cheaper. They just can't advertise it cheaper.

Swinchen -- make sure you know what you're buying. Is it the Atom 2 with a transmitter and download cable? Is it covered by Oceanic's Warranty?

LP matching Oceanic's warranty might seem like a great deal....... until you're on a dive trip on the other side of the world and your trip is over because your computer died and the local Oceanic reps won't replace it. You could always switch to tables and gauges, but you need to think about all the possibilities.

In this case, might not the "local Oceanic rep" consider this grey-market goods, because it wasn't purchased from one of their retail outlets? I'm not trolling, but after reading through many, many of these threads, I believe that very few persons out there really understand the dynamics involved.

From my reading, it seems that most, if not all, the on-line retailer bashing is directed at LP. I have my suspicions about the reasons involved, but will keep them off this public forum.
MAP as stated is only a restriction on advertised price.
It does not restrict the price a dealer can charge in any way.
A manufacturers only recourse against a dealer selling bellow a given price is to not sell merchandise to that reseller and not authorize the dealer as a "Authorized Dealer" if the retailer purchased within the manufacturers supply chain and was authorized at the time of the wholesale purchase, they can retail at whatever price they decide. (even at a loss or below wholesale cost) The manufacturer is still completely responsible for all claims and warrantees they advertize.
I have bought quite a bit of stuff off them over the years even though I live in Thailand. I get it deleivered to a NY address & my friend brings it over. Never had a problem with any of the gear I have purchased. But most of it is either dive suits / dive bags & bits & bobs. Mothing more than $500 ata time. I do recommend them to friends though. Always had good service
i have bought A LOT of stuff from them. NEVER had just the trace of a problem.
$689 might be the MAP -- Minimum Advertised Price. Some manufacturers don't allow dealers to advertise an item below a certain price. If you call, walk in, or ask for a discount, they are allowed to sell it cheaper. They just can't advertise it cheaper.
What he said...

As I understand it, the reseller is not violating any vendor MAP agreement, as long as they don't advertise a lesser price than the MAP dictates. All's fair as far as the price they ultimately sell it for, and the vendors don't care.

MANY resellers do this. They even get around the MAP requirements by stating on their site: "put item in cart to see lower price..."

It's ridiculous, but c'est la vie...

Even ScubaToys (whom I buy from regularly, including today) can only give you the 10% SB discount if you call them, instead of doing an online transaction, which is perfectly legit (probably because there's no reason to advertise a 10% discount -- you should know if you're an SB member).

Bottom line, don't confuse MAP discounting with gray-marketing. Two *totally* different concepts, with different warranty ramifications
In this case, might not the "local Oceanic rep" consider this grey-market goods, because it wasn't purchased from one of their retail outlets? I'm not trolling, but after reading through many, many of these threads, I believe that very few persons out there really understand the dynamics involved.

I don't think so, but remember, I don't work for Oceanic, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night...............

I would think that if Oceanic Worldwide considered it a warranty repair that Oceanic's local reps would honor that. That's with the caveat that swinchen got the Oceanic warranty and not the LP warranty.

Of course, there's a thread in the Oceanic forum about a guy in Canada having trouble with Oceanic Canada. Oceanic Canada is refusing to fix his equipment under warranty but Oceanic WW will and says his warranty is valid in Canada. :confused:
I made a purchase from LeisurePro and my hairline receded, my dog died, and all the ice cream in my freezer melted!


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