Certifed originally in 1966 but the instructor held the card for me until I could bench press scuba tanks to his statisfaction. There was not depth limitation except for 130 feet. Light deco was part of the 8 week long, twice a week, three to four hours each meeting class. Each class consisted of lecture and pool sessions and ended with lap swimming. We also did some breath hold diving training. This was NAUI and my instructor had been a pro football player and was into fitness. He was also YMCA as well as NAUI. I do not recall if he was also LA County.
What you get today with the basic cert is what we did the first few sessions, courses back then and up well into the 80s were much more complete and inclued much of what is now sold as add on or specialty courses. My mom paid for my course in 1966 and I think it was $60 plus Y membership. My second go through in 68 was free. Just to prove to him I could bench press a steel 72, I forget how many times he required.
And just saying, the course was full up with mostly young people through college age, there may have been a few over 30. And, another interesting thing, the men's (lap) swim hour was just prior our class and swimsuits were not required so my instructor or one of us guys had to make sure the stragglers had cleared the deck, lol, since we were coed.
And the bench pressing scuba tanks was just an excuse he invented not to give me a C-card at 12 yo since he had no other nail to hang his hat on and I was the best swimmer in the class and passed every skill just fine. At that age two years and puberty kicking in makes a huge difference
