Oktoberfest megadive 2010

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Firewood is good.
some changes for us -

we've had several small things change and the ultimate end result is that it looks like we'll be there sunday instead of saturday, and won't have jameson. i'm sorry, guys, but his babysitter for saturday changed plans and larry had to change arrival time by a day, and this was the best option so we didn't blow off megadive entirely. yes, i know we'll miss the best day and the fire and the galaxy dive (sob!), but at least we'll get to have an omelette and watch y'all pack up and maybe get to dive that morning with some of y'all.

i'll make sure our obligations are met for the stuff we're supposed to bring, by sending some bucks to jenny or jean.
ok, another small change...

now it looks like we'll be there saturday for an afternoon dive & the galaxy dive & the campfire - yay! but still without baby j. sorry, jameson's fan club. i'll bring pictures! and i'll still send the money for plates etc to someone since we won't be there for the morning.
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Any suggestions on a dive computer for a beginner. I learned the manual way and currently have a Cressi Sub Mini 3 Gauge Console, but I'm thinking of getting a computer. What do some of you use?

I have an Oceanic GEO 2.0 and love it. Got 49 dives so far since April and NO problems. :D

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