Oktoberfest megadive 2010

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I'm goin w/ PB&J for my on your own meals...PB&J and trail mix and a bottle of Kool-Aid by the fire...that's living right there!!!
Yeah Roxanne? Whats for dinner? Trying to make my meal plans for those "On Your Own" times. Maybe i will just stick with PB&J. It is always safe and easy to do.
We're going to grill some ribs, anyone is welcome to join us. Just bring what you want to throw on the grill. Dawn and I usually have a couple of grills going friday night.
Updated list of whos whos and whats whats...
For a rundown of the weekend festivities refer back to post 272 on pg 28.

MontanaFL, Scorpion2012 and Kenny - Tortillas for breakfast, Ziploc freezer bags, 2-3 bags of chicken breasts and fire wood.
ScubaJenny & Hermit Crab - S'mores fixins, green curry chicken and jasmine rice, candy, coffee pot, coffee and creamer. (no chainsaws allowed)
NetDoc & MsElenaous - Matta Ewes, fried chicken, plates, papertowels and silverware, and diet coke/pepsi.
Heath Sapp + 1 - 100 hamburgers, Rum for Jen-ny and some Jack.
Cardzard and Roxanne - Gallaxy gear (enjoy the show :popcorn:), a lg cooler full of water, diet and nondiet sodas, and juices for the kids. A large bag of charcoal, 1 lg pkg. of brats., 1 lg pkg. of hot dogs and buns and my famous baked beans. Then for brkft, 18ct eggs, precooked bacon, sausage and ham, and some asst veggies for the omelets.
Babyduck, DA Aquamaster and Jameson - Paper towels, plastic silverware and paper plates.
Joystershell and Megamikey - Megamuffins, 1 or 2 gals. of OJ, eggs, cheese for the burgers and potato salad.
Jeandiver - Brats and buns , chips and dips/salsa , hamburgler bunnies (eek), bags for morning brekky, mustard(s).
Deepseawolf, Maneater, Vix and Hammerhead - Firecircle gear
, the infamous rum tote :drunks: , Our beloved dinner chef
and his cooking gear (which always includes a kilt).
Scubafool, Dawn ,John, and Helen - Breakfast fixins,firewood if possible, propane tank and lg stockpot for the MegoOmelets and our beloved breakfast chef :stirpot:.
BIGDOGDOWN - Eggs, buns, and condiments.
MangoMan904 and Camille - 3 dz eggs, 2 lbs of coffee, and italian sausage.
Karenls70 and Jamesdavis007 - Hambs, hot dogs, side items, drinks, eggs, chips and dips, plates and silverware, candy and spirits.
Tao of the Dive, Susan and the Boys -
BrewoneOto and Shelli - Potato salad, eggs, and meat item to be anounced later.
Conan3 + 3 -
Trouard1 -
McCainiac -
JahJahwarrior -
Phreak-Out and others ???-
Blue-Eyed Diver + 1 -
UCF Dive Club -
H2Andy - Guitar, rum, and tequila.
Mooney - Who would need anything more. :mooner:
TechDiver1990 - Firewood
Gibbon -
rox@ucf11 -
Tessunderwater -
Scuba West Dive Team (8 or more) -Lg bag of charcoal,cole slaw, brocoli salad, pasta salad, chips, salsa, and an extra turkey frier w/propane tank for omelets.

For those who always ask what to bring. Here are some ideas of items we still need...
Any kind of Meat items for the grill.
Items for the omelets (additional meats, peppers, mushrooms, onions, salsa etc.)
Charcoal (selfstarting)
Side dishes (macaroni salad, fruit salad, veggie platter, fruit, etc.)
Deserts (Oh please don't forget the deserts!)
Pumpkins (for carving and don't forget a candle)
Tiki torches and fuel (for around the fire)
And if anyone can bring firewood, that would be greatly appreciated!:gas:

So just pick something to bring, post and I'll add you to the list.
Hope this helps!
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What??? No chainsaws? There goes my costume! :rofl3:
Thanks, Rox for use of the light. What's for dinner? Mind if we join ya and bring some fixins'?
One other thing, anybody have an extra jet fin strap?

Extreme Exposure should have one.
I won't actually be able to attend.. spent this past weekend at Jeeptoberfest and need to watch the $ for a bit :/
As far as 'my peeps' - noone is responding back with a confirmation of attendance. Hope to catch you guys next time around.
Extreme Exposure should have one.

Thanks, but really just need to borrow one for the weekend. The springstraps won't be made in time for the MegaDive.
Hmmm....I'll bring some brats and stuff for Friday Night grilling. (smile)
I'll bring some chippers and dippers too.
Salsa , etc.

I'll bring enough for sharing etc...


P.S. If ANYONE wants to do any diving on Friday , I'll be around ...

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