Oktoberfest megadive 2010

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LOL I thought it was the other way around. I thought the cave divers could interact with salt water divers and be amazed and inspired to look beyond petting wet rocks. There is a whole world out there with live things in the water.

There is life outside the cave!
scrape off your tongue & fingers right now, jenny! on that rock! shame on you.

getting excited about seeing everyone!
LOL I thought it was the other way around. I thought the cave divers could interact with salt water divers and be amazed and inspired to look beyond petting wet rocks. There is a whole world out there with live things in the water.

There is life outside the cave!
I've tried to do both this year and I have noted a few things.

1. N. Florida does not pitch and roll during the surface interval like dive boats.

2. Salt wate tastes bad and rusts your gear and makes it smell bad if you don't rinse it.

3. Sinks and caves ARE rinse tanks.
Jealousy has it's justifications :D
LOL I thought it was the other way around. I thought the cave divers could interact with salt water divers and be amazed and inspired to look beyond petting wet rocks. There is a whole world out there with live things in the water.

There is life outside the cave!

I'm heading down to WPB this weekend to see if what you say is really true, but I don't know, what could be better than wet rocks?
It's just not that formal. There might be a herd or two diving, but mostly it's getting a buddy (very easy here) and going diving at one of a few locations.
Pete's correct - it is the ultimate in spontaneous "pick up" diving. The odds are good even if you can't find an OW buddy you could still find a cave diver more than happy to dive the ballroom with you and/or take you on a no lights OW tour of Little devil and the entrances at the Eye and the Ear.

Marci also needs trigger time on her scooter to get her to the point she is ready for a cave scooter course, so I am considering bringing scooters - and bringing 3 is not much more work than bringing 2, so it could be fun to play with them in the river and I would not be opposed to picking up an OW diver who wants to try a scooter in OW.
I'm heading down to WPB this weekend to see if what you say is really true, but I don't know, what could be better than wet rocks?

Mouth watering fresh Lobster and Hog Snapper on the grille. :)
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^^^ LOL.. you forgot "FRESH"

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