Oily bikini lady in rebreather ad

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I was giving my read of what the ad was saying to the viewer.

To me (as a viewer) the add is saying
"A rebreather is a fun piece of scuba equipment that is used by young, attractive people and is bound to help you enjoy your diving more".

Sometimes I think a poster pollutes more than contributes. This is a case in point.:wink: To me there have been a series of snide remarks by obsessive critics of a simple ad.

When I choose a closed circuit unit, I will have KISS at the top of my list! Great ad, and beautiful woman! :coffee:

bingo! the exact new type of rebreather diver i imagine being created ....... :lotsalove:
The woman in the add must be REALLY stupid.. Afterall she gets paid to do what people do for free on the beach every day..
Nuff said?
lol, and don't foget the million dollar husband.

AND he might be a great guy.
To me (as a viewer) the add is saying
"A rebreather is a fun piece of scuba equipment that is used by young, attractive people and is bound to help you enjoy your diving more".

And you have every bit as much right to have that reaction as I do to have the reaction I did.

your back pedaling here .. I understand your issue with the ad and I agree somewhat with you too .. but .. you have stated that because she is "clearly" not natural, that she is a dumb chic because of it
... I can not tell ether of those from here and what does it matter if she had surgery?
how about her nose? does that count? .. that implies a low self image too
You really do need to work on your reading retention and on that selective memory.

To repeat: I never said that the person in the picture was a "dumb chick." I said the the person in the picture was being used to represent said same. She is not an endorser, so (regardless of her unknown and stellar qualities) she is a model, clear and simple, nothing more and nothing less. That she may be an instructor, a re-breather diver, a resort owner, or Supergirl herself is irrelevant, the ad does not say, Ms. So-and-so, instructor, re-breather diver and resort owner thinks that the KISS rebreather is the best thing since sliced bread, those are BS red herrings dragged in by the embarrassed promulgators of the ad and their lackeys, ex post facto.

Once again I said, and stand by:

I object to the ad because what it is really saying is, "So simple even a dumb chick (and we know that she's dumb because she's clearly had breast augmentation surgery) can use it." Now put Sylvia Earle or Kathy Sullivan there with a rebreather and I'll pay attention.

One a more personal level I find three problems with the ad and the thread:

"Chicks" (except one "chickdiver") are not people I respect or turn to for advice about anything that my life my depend on. Maybe I'm old school, chicks no, women yes.

I do not really trust people who, barring horrendous disfigurements, are so uncomfortable in their own skin that they have to pay someone to take a knife to them and, despite significant health risks, alter the way they look. I would not knowingly seek advice from someone cursed with that level of vanity about anything that my life my depend on.

Bikinis are not practical dive wear, people who mix them with rebreathers (at least after Labor Day) as so déclasse that I'd never ask such a one a question concerning anything that my life my depend on.
Bikinis are not practical dive wear, people who mix them with rebreathers (at least after Labor Day) as so déclasse that I'd never ask such a one a question concerning anything that my life my depend on.

:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
It was but a poor attempt at a little levity, you are clearly enough of a lady to know how to avoid such a serious faux paux.
To me (as a viewer) the add is saying
"A rebreather is a fun piece of scuba equipment that is used by young, attractive people and is bound to help you enjoy your diving more".


Try and fly THAT one past Maggie! :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
Thall, yea, well you got me there.

I'll wear my white Birkenstocks when I meet you.
Thall, yea, well you got me there.

I'll wear my white Birkenstocks when I meet you.
Only between Memorial Day and Labor Day ... a dark color is required for the other part of the year. It is so trying to have to put one's summer clothes away and get out the fall rubber suit.:D

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