Oily bikini lady in rebreather ad

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Marjorie Banks started a campaign in the diving community some years ago called, "No Bimbo Advertising," a goal that I still support. In this case it's not just a question of eye candy, it's, "even a stupid woman can do it, hell ... even a caveman ..."

The model is not an endorser of the CCR whose well know visage lends creditability to the product, she's an unknown model who (diver in another life or no) has decided to lend her unknown cleavage to attract attention to the idea that anyone at all can operate the product.

To attempt denounce me as a "sexist" because I am offended by one of the worst Bimbo Ads I've ever seen seems a bit peculiar.
D_B, you are dishonest. Note that what I said was, “I object to the ad because what it is really saying is, "So simple even a dumb chick (and we know that she's dumb because she's clearly had breast augmentation surgery) can use it." Now put Sylvia Earle or Kathy Sullivan there with a rebreather and I'll pay attention.”

Not what you try and put in my mouth by quoting me out of context:

OK, not a bimbo , she's clearly a dumb chick .. anyone can tell that by looking at her :shakehead::shakehead::shakehead:

That is just incredable to me, to think people still think like that

You should be ashamed of yourself.
"No Bimbo Advertising," a goal that I still support.
Define "bimbo". Therein lies your sexist attitude. From www.Dictionary.com:

boʊ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[bim-boh] –noun, plural -bos, -boes. Slang. 1.a foolish, stupid, or inept person. 2.a man or fellow, often a disreputable or contemptible one. 3.Disparaging and Offensive. an attractive but stupid young woman, esp. one with loose morals.

She is SMART.
She HAPPENS to be beautiful!

Why do you insist on calling her a bimbo ("no Bimbo advertising") and yet claim you are not calling her a bimbo? Your ONLY criteria is for calling her a bimbo is that she looks GOOD. You have insinuated that she must be augmented, but she doesn't look "perky" enough to me to be so. But, I guess if it supports your sexist opinion, then you'll keep throwing mud at her and everyone who disagrees with you.

Thank goodness we live in the USofA where you can't impose your values on the rest of us!
We are not talking about the person whose image is in the ad, we are talking about the ad and what it represents. The actual person may be, as I've said before, the nicest person and the best diver on earth, the ad is demeaning to everyone ... including (and especially) her.

Pete, you just don't get. My only recommendation to you is to take a Women's Studies class at your nearest community college.
Sorry, my mistake .. I did not do that on purpose, I was talking about this .. "and we know that she's dumb because she's clearly had breast augmentation surgery" ...

that you can tell all that by just looking at her ..which you do clearly state
Sorry, my mistake .. I did not do that on purpose, I was talking about this .. "and we know that she's dumb because she's clearly had breast augmentation surgery" ...

that you can tell all that by just looking at her ..
Apology accepted, but you continue to make the same mistake. I was giving my read of what the ad was saying to the viewer.

And yes, she appears to me to not be sporting the gifts that nature gave her, but that's a separate issue.
and we know that she's dumb because she's clearly had breast augmentation surgery)


whoa, whoa , whoa, lol

No Bimbo Advertising,"
Now, I find THAT very demeaning, that a bunch of self appointed people somewhere are going to decide who is a bimbo and who is not...and if bimbos can work. You really don't see the danger in that, Thall?

I'm telling ya, blondes and dumb bimbos...we are the last frontier for socially acceptable rampant prejudice....

And while I am at it...that goes for all people with a lower IQ than you. Guess what? They dive and they might be nice good people, capable of having joyful lives and yes, even not getting killed, contrary to popular belief.

Dumb....it's the new smart

My only recommendation to you is to take a Women's Studies class at your nearest community college.
and pray tell, who are these experts that will tell me how to be a better woman?
your back pedaling here .. I understand your issue with the ad and I agree somewhat with you too .. but .. you have stated that because she is "clearly" not natural, that she is a dumb chic because of it
... I can not tell ether of those from here and what does it matter if she had surgery?
how about her nose? does that count? .. that implies a low self image too
And yes, she appears to me to not be sporting the gifts that nature gave her, but that's a separate issue.

Sometimes I think a poster pollutes more than contributes. This is a case in point.:wink: To me there have been a series of snide remarks by obsessive critics of a simple ad.

When I choose a closed circuit unit, I will have KISS at the top of my list! Great ad, and beautiful woman! :coffee:

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