jbichsel:I would rather have drilling operations happening on our coast or ANWAR where we can watch and regualte and minimize the effects, than off in some primitive area of the world where no one is watching and even more wretched things happen that no one sees or cares about.
You seem to be assuming that the options are that it happens domestically or it happens in the third world. In reality its going to happen in the third world. The question is if its going to happen domestically or not.
And a lot of people claim that pumping domestically means that we don't give money to terrorists in the middle east, etc. You should actually do some research on the peak pumping capacity of ANWR or oil rigs in the gulf and figure out when they'll hit their peak and how significant it will be and compare it to the 84.9 Mbd the world is using now, or the the US share of that. The numbers I've read on ANWR are 1 Mbd something like 10 years in the future. That isn't going to be of any help. I expect that neither will drilling in the Gulf. American will never be self-sufficient in oil again unless we actually reduce demand by an order of magnitude (90%), we do not have oil fields that can produce at the rates necessary to sustain the rate at which we are consuming oil.