OEX2, because how can you have an intelligent, relevant conversation about environmental impact without skirting politics? The thread is very informative, with rational debate on both sides. Don't be a TOS fundamentalists. Good luck if you can. No one is fighting here, if you notice. Take environmental conversations off the table for marine environments and that is a big loss. I think skirting politics in the context of fighting for oil, we are all big enough to handle. What is the alternative? More "don't touch the coral" threads? Those of us that volunteer and work for marine conservation in our communities, well, there is a political aspect and I just think that when people are having an enlightened conversation, which is what was happening here you need to understand the tone of the thread. How can we discuss the biggest sewage spill in America, ever, without skirting local policies? (Hawaii)
I just hope if this thread is pulled (or my post) that there is some other mods reading it and putting it in the context which it was written.
sigh. Trini, I guess we can just PM or e-mail.