scubafool:Why did they drill off the coast of Louisiana and Texas?
basically they used up the easier-to-get-to fileds first ... now they have to start
branching out to more expensive fields where extracting oil becomes unprofitable...
until oil hits all-time highs
they clearly expect this trend to continue, or they wouldn't be willing to plunk down
huge sums of money whose returns they won't see for at least 10 years
my sister works with Exxon Mobile; they have cornered the African market,
along with Shell (the next big thing). that has left a lot of smaller companies
scrambling for sources of oil as the existing US fields start to dry up.
basically, you're looking at most existing US sources of oil dying within 10 years,.
and what's available (save for Alaska, which i don't know about) is tough fields
with costly extracting needs.