The new oil rigs will take a while to produce more oil too. So what do we do in the interim? How about drastically increasing research and development funding for energy efficiency and alternative fuels? Provide tax incentives for reducing fuel consumption. Offset the custs by cutting subsidies to oil companies and taxing their windfall profits.tigersharks77:I agree that there will be new technology, but that technology isn't coming out next year, so how are we going to lower fuel costs in the interim? When that fancy new technology does hit the consumer market, do you really believe that every American will be able to go out and purchase it? We will need oil for many years after this new technology comes out to allow those of us that can't afford to go out and buy a new car to be able to fill up our gas tanks.
Eventually we will have to develop more efficient devices and alternative fuels. Why not make that a priority now, just like Kennedy launched the mission to the Moon?