You're a little bit off on that...gas prices in Europe have more to do with the supply chain than they do with taxes.
Actually, that's not quite on the mark. In most European countries the tax is more than 50% of the cost.
The following are last week's prices in U.S. Dollars per U.S. Gallon. I've rounded to the nearest 10 cents. Data provided by the International Monetary Fund.
UK - $6.00 ($3.90 of which is tax)
Germany - $6.00 ($3.80 of which is tax)
Italy - $5.90 ($3.10 of which is tax)
France - $5.70 ($2.80 of which is tax)
Finland - $4.00 ($2.60 of which is tax)
Norway - $6.30 ($4.00 of which is tax)
and some non-European benchmarks:
U.S.A. - $2.40 ($0.40 of which is tax)
Brazil - $3.10 ($1.00 of which is tax)
Ghana - $2.50 ($0.30 of which is tax)
Saudi Arabia - $0.90 (no tax)
Venezuela - $0.50 ($0.20 of which is tax)
Canada - $2.80 ($1.00 of which is tax)
China - $1.75 ($0.50 of which is tax)
-Ben M.