Lets see if my first post here can be constructive and not be taken wrong.
If we can step back and get a wider perspective then what each person asserts in this discussion is accurate even when we seem to disagree, for instance if we look a little further back than the most recent millennium then we see a natural cycle of heating and cooling that seems pretty immutable:
So it does seem that maybe everyone could agree that global warming is happening without agreeing on the cause. The same thing can be said for global cooling I suppose since if we as a species survive long enough to see it the Earth will cool again as well. But at the moment we seem to be in one of the warming cycles.
No one should be blamed for agreeing with the conventional wisdom that is after all why its conventional because most people agree with it. To look beyond what we are told by any faction that has other motives (like profit or political power) takes courage and vision.
If the conclusion that human emissions are accelerating the warming cycle are mistaken then what difference does that make? We as a species should probably try to agree that creating a minimum impact on our home is a good thing.
Unfortunately we are not a united species and live in a society of conflict so the perspective becomes much smaller and immediate.
For me I think U.S. regulations and the environmentalist faction makes drilling by the U.S much more desirable than most other countries. We can wish all we want that conservation efforts will make an impact on demand but as soon as you figure in China, India and other growing economies I think you just have to fall back to conservation is just good world citizenship and agree we should still try to conserve as well.
Not sure what the answer will be but I have hope when I look at things like the improvements made in the last decades to the dollar per amp hour ratio of solar power and the intent of the auto industry to move toward Hydrogen power.