Glad the nitrox was "included" for those dives because really not needed for those profiles.
When looking at costs, do you just consider the cost per tank, or the cost per hour of diving and dive site location? There is a big difference.
Dave Dillehay
Beginning to sound a little like "Sour Grapes" to me.
Let's face it, fees are being charged at Secrets, Iberostar, Allegro, and now Occidental and maybe others. You don't like it. I don’t like it either. Whether it is the extra effort that you must go through to pay or the amount of the fees themselves, I understand. It can negatively impact your ability to serve your customers in a fashion to which you have become accustom. I can only hope that you, Dave, and all the others can work through this without resorting to all the negative insinuations that have cropped up in this thread and others.
Most folks on ScubaBoard already recognize the high quality of your operations – the ability to customize every dive, to independently select dive sites, to have fruits available during surface intervals, to provide small boats, to have the diver’s gear set up and installed each day, to properly rinse and store their gear between dives, and the list goes on and on. It is true ‘valet’ service and is probably worth more than the price you charge. I only hope to be able to take advantage of it one day.
On the other hand, what makes it proper for someone to provide the capital, build the dock, maintain that dock, pay taxes on that dock, and then allow anyone and everyone to use it absolutely gratis? Just figure it out and get back to us on what changes these fees will make in your operations. Let us make up our own minds about who we dive with, whether we use nitrox or not, and our own definition of ‘cattle boat’.