Tassi Devil Diver
Stuart, I was in your position 4.5 years ago when I switched to CCR, I had done my open circuit normoxic trimix course with the goal of diving a particular wreck in around 210' (70m) as well as many other deep reef exploratory dives 150-200' (50-60m). My plan was after completing my OC normoxic trimix to work up to doing my 70m wreck dive, I quickly ran into the logistical issues of OC Trimix, that is get gas mixed for a particular dive then on the day having to sit out the dive because conditions did not allow us to do the dive we planned so a shallower dive was done instead, I chose to sit out the dive rather than blowing $200 worth of trimix. Heading away on weekend dive trips and needing to lug multiple sets of doubles around and or He and O2 to mix gas for dives was a PITA, in my state no one pumps trimix all the dives we are doing is pioneering stuff. I quickly realized CCR was the way to go purely for gas logistic reasons. Within 12 months I purchased a CCR and did the air dil course, with 50 hrs on the unit I started using normoxic trimix dil diving to 40m extending that towards 50m after around 100hrs on the unit. Approaching two years and around 150hrs on the unit I did my CCR trimix normoxic dil course.
Since then I moved on to diving hypoxic dil and have achieved my goal of diving my 70m wreck, and numerous other dives in the 50-70m range. Next year I will do my hypoxic dil CCR course and in the meantime extend my max depth towards 80m exploring deep reefs.
Since then I moved on to diving hypoxic dil and have achieved my goal of diving my 70m wreck, and numerous other dives in the 50-70m range. Next year I will do my hypoxic dil CCR course and in the meantime extend my max depth towards 80m exploring deep reefs.