BioNerd, thanks for your kind offer for the dive tomorrow. As for not looking at me or talking to me.......ha ha ha. :yippie17: I'm not that bad! As it is too late for me to rent stuff for tomorrow, a rain check for a future dive? That's if you don't mind that I'm really inexperienced. I know you said that you're an air hog, still it can bother people....for buddy diving. Since the philosophy is for both divers to ascend based on the one who finished earlier, ja?
dwaters, I was just considering the Mo2vation boat dive today earlier. I'll consider it eventually...but thank you for your offer. Seems the one in January is already sold out so, down the road maybe.
MaxBottomtime, the stats sounds manageable for a newbie like me. Shallow dives galore!
JUST JOSHIN', thanks for your kind offer. I've never dove around palos verdes, nor around laguna. Rain check for a future dive eventually? As for not being friends, perfect!
divercooke, I wish I could claim the credit for remembering your last post. If I had memory that great, I would have so excelled in school! :dork:As it is, I looked at your posting history and saw that your last posting was to my OW dive posting. That's how I knew. I've already made myself sound odd enough by my anti-socialness (is this even a word?). No more oddness attributed to me, please! As for diving with me, well I must make you sign a disclaimer that you cannot complain! I really am quite awful!!!! So, you're taking an hefty risk diving with me.
I don't know....I might show up on Wednesday. Or not. Just so you know, I'm really not that lady who freaked out. So, if you're expecting a "pretty gal" :cute:, I'm the last thing that would even remotely fit that description.
For all those who made offers of diving with me, it's diver beware! I'm short. Terrible with waves. Take forever to put on my fins, and keep in mind that this is with spring straps and I'm still awful on putting them on! Oh, did I mention, I'm a horrible swimmer? Really horrible! I kid you not. Ok, not to the point that I'll drown. I know how to keep myself afloat, thanks very much and it's impossible to drown in a wetsuit. But, even with that, I am still awful! Oh, and I'm also an air hog. And I'm slow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There. I've listed all my worst attributes, I'm sure there's more but for now it's a start. :approve_2