Last time I was there, I saw clear presence of the Zetas
still can't get that jingle out of my head....
So THAT is what the jingle is saying!!!
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Last time I was there, I saw clear presence of the Zetas
still can't get that jingle out of my head....
So THAT is what the jingle is saying!!!
I had this as my cellphone ringtone for a while. (Realize this doesn't add anything of value to the thread.
Only takes one trip and you are hooked!The value is in knowing I'm not the only one who did that. Most people here at home dont understand what it is like to be a cozaholic.
Only takes one trip and you are hooked!
Here are some more recent articles from the mainland:If the Zetas are flexing their muscles in PDC, sorry people but it's only a matter of time before they look across the channel at the untouched territory of Cozumel. Extortion will be to Cozumel sooner or later, if it hasn't already hit the island. This would be a really scary topic if I was a Cozumel dive shop owner right now.
Here are some more recent articles from the mainland:
Popular Playa nightclub closes amid rising insecurity
This one mentions a shooting in Cozumel:
Another violent day in Quintana Roo
I'm not glossing over these events, but will just point out that these things have actually been happening for a long time across the pond, we just didn't hear as much about them until the big event in Playa del Carmen. Still, they are far less frequent than in US or Canadian cities of comparable size and population. A) These "attacks" as dramatized were not random shootings, they were among "like minded chamacos" who had issues between them. No different than drug deals or love triangles gone bad in the US or Canada, the same thing in these cases. B) They were not in tourist areas - they were way back in the neighborhoods as indicated by the street numbers and colonias.
Absolutely no conclusions can be arrived at from these events. None.
Those who would suggest otherwise don't know what they're talking about.