Coz is a very safe tourist destination, but it is not without it's crime and violence. I feel very safe, but I practice more "situational awareness" in the streets than I do while diving.
If you saw gang grafitti, would you recognize it? Have you seen the MS13 or zeta's scribbles around town?
Did anyone read about the guy that was killed after he tried to sell some coke that he found washed ashore in a bale on the east side?
Did you read about the string of house robberies that ended when they caught the guy and beat the crap out of him before calling the police?
There are many reports of crime in the news, just as you would expect in any major city. I don't think there is any benefit for us to discuss local issues that normally don't affect tourists or part time expat visitors. Coz is a very safe place but you are not in Disneyland.
Just to prove my point, here is an article from todays news, talking about a police car that was fire bombed in front of a mechanics shop where it had been sitting for many weeks waiting to be repaired until payment was received.
This has no effect on tourists even though it has a sensational headline. Yes it is an unfortunate event, but these are local issues.
'Bomb' against patrol in the workshop
COZUMEL, January 18 .- Molotov bombings are being launched against a Public Security patrol outside a workshop, where it has been waiting for more than a month and a half waiting for service. Those responsible left a cardboard threatening to police of the Group of Special Operations (GOE). Perla Tun Pech can not guarantee the security nor to its patrols, less to the population to have a policy that has affected to the preventive police.
All this happened on 7 South Street between 80 and 85 at night, at the door of a mechanic's workshop called "Carlos", one of the several places where patrols are transferred by the city council in order to receive repair. In the case of unit 7160 attacked, is almost two months ago if not more on the street without being attended, everything indicates that for failure to pay the "government of change."
The patrol was hit by a homemade or molotov bomb on its right side, leaving the trail of soot burned, and to prevent it being the subject of media coverage, the unit was transferred to the corralón attached to the prison in the industrial zone .
Another of the traces erased by the municipal authority was a card with the following inscription: "Ponganse vergas pinches goes and comandantes, already fichados. Vajenle of eggs or we lower them, atte: poster Medellin "(sic). This card was secured by the municipal police, unofficial sources say.
The so-called Goes are the members of the Special Operations Group (GOE) of the municipal police, who once have been accused of being charged "floor right" to local narcomenudistas, which has resulted in casualties of the corporation.
It has not been officially established that the perpetrators of the attack are a group with intentions to enter the square to sell drugs to local and independent groups.
An unofficial version is that all this was due to the annoyance generated by a narcomenudista of this group was stopped by municipal police last weekend and that allegedly suffered from some injury to the head or hands during the action. That would have been considered as an abuse of authority towards him, in addition to the economic affectation for them. However, it must be remembered that in Cozumel there are no significant detentions of narcomenudistas nor much less important seizures of drugs, something that happened in previous administrations in coordination with the Military Garrison and Naval Sector, but now neither the municipal and these two institutions Cited give these results despite the increase of narcomenudismo groups in Cozumel.