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Hi, I'm Cathie. I'm 33 and right now I'm floating around in the Western Caribbean, but that changes every six months or so when I change contracts. I take care of all the computers/systems onboard, which is pretty challenging.

I'm from NY originally, have lived in GA for the last 6 years, and been floating for almost a year now.

I miss family, friends and church....but really enjoy my current lifestyle (including all the diving it allows me to do). I've been certified since the end of Feb 02 and have about 65 dives.

Right now I'm really quite torn....I just got invited to be a part of a new ship build team in Italy....which I'm thrilled about, I'll get to live there for two months installing all the ship systems....but I don't think I'll be able to dive much over there this time of year (I'll be there from the end of September to the end of November) I get to see Italy, but no diving :(

CuriousMe once bubbled...
Right now I'm really quite torn....I just got invited to be a part of a new ship build team in Italy....which I'm thrilled about, I'll get to live there for two months installing all the ship systems....but I don't think I'll be able to dive much over there this time of year (I'll be there from the end of September to the end of November) I get to see Italy, but no diving :(

Cathie, you must work for Carnival. I know they have a newbuild coming out of Italy late this fall - isn't it heading to New Orleans homeport? :)

I'm 37, my first dive was in Hawaii in 1975, dove off and on uncertified until about 10 years ago... and finally got certified 2 years ago, now am AOW and totally hooked on u/w photo. WHEW!

Single mother of 2 furbaby kitties, work as a Realtor/Political Consultant, living in the Denver area, and dive anywhere warm and clear I can go. Heading to the Nekton Rorqual in 2 weeks, and then to the southern Caribbean in January for 10 days. :dance:
I'm a 48 yr. old unpaid retired Pharmacy Tech...which means I just got tired of working after 25 yrs. My job now is to plan dive trips!

Got my OW certification in '97, Divemaster in '99 and have about 450+ dives. (not counting training or DM dives).

We try to take 2-3 trips a year to clear salt water, some more and some less. The Caribbean has been our destinations with Roatan our favorite. Coco View Resort is our home away from home. Locally we dive the freshwater lakes and quarries, usually twice a week.

In March, Beast and I will be married 30 yrs. Learning to dive together was the best thing we ever did for ourselves and our marriage.

We have no human children, by choice, but have children nonetheless....A 9 yo Boxer, 11yo Double Yellowheaded Amazon parrot, 8yo African Grey parrot and 6 yo Ducky conure. Various stray cats and uncountable squirrels.

Over the years our non-diving friends have dwindled to just a few. One of our favorite things is meeting and diving with folks like ya'll that we meet on the 'net.
35, I have an 11 year old daughter, and I got certified at the end of July. I live in California....cold water....LOL....I have 5 dives under my belt and at the end of this weekend I should have 5 more. That is if the surf calms down . I won't be doing a beach dive with 10 to 15 feet least I hope I won't.....
chepar once bubbled...

That is amazing. I used to own a Miata - I couldn't go to the supermarket and buy more than a couple bags of groceries, because I couldn't get it to fit!

I can make just about anything fit in this car. I've packed 10 bags of cedar landscaping chips in it. I can also get a week's worth of groceries in it too.
Although I hide behind a gender-neutral screen name, I'm female. I also have a gender-neutral (short) haircut, so I get called 'Sir' a lot, especially in this part of the world (SE Asia). I'm a New Zealander by birth, spent the 1990s in the UK and have been in Singapore since January 2001. I'm 35.

I was certified in July 2001, have since completed AOW and am about to start Rescue (all PADI). My long-term boyfriend doesn't dive, so I've done several trips on my own. I have a part-time dive buddy but often end up diving with strangers. I'm hoping to have 100 dives by the end of the year... not that the number matters, but it's an incentive to get out and dive more.

I am 23 years old and live in Jacksonville Fl. I work in reatail sales and love my job. (I sell computers at CompUSA) My family tells me I need to finish school but since I don't know what I want to do I am on the 5 year plan for my AA degree. I am single with no kids but a bird named Dali. That's about all I can think of unless you want a list of my hobbies which are many.

I'm 41 years old and started diving in 93. So far I've 210 dives + the very shallow marin archeology dives that I don't log. I'm currently signed up for the Emergency response Diver cource (NASE) and will proberly aim for instructor after this. I just redone my RD (with NASE, I did the first PADI in 96) and I had no problems keeping up with the young guys in the class. :)

Professional I'm a development engineer (chemistry) and helps to make new ingredients for vitamin tablets and food additives. I have a co-habit SO which is an engineer as well but is now moving into professionel piloting. No kids or pets.

I live in Copenhagen, Denmark and dive all year round as long as the water is liquid!

PS. sorry about the double posting;-0
Don't worry Dame Dykker, I've got your back. Double post, not a problem.

Well, my name leaves no doubt, but I'll give you a little background. Certified in 1995 in sunny San Diego, CA. Prefer to dive in warm water (definitedly a CAD), love to travel and experience new things. And, of course, addicted to diving.
I'm a 34 year old Advanced Diver in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area.
I had always wanted to learn to dive but had that "time v. money" problem. For my 5th Anniversary present, my husband got me dive lessons in 2000.

My husband is a diver, and has logged 99% of his dives in warm water and always wimps out of 7mm's of neoprene in a Wisconsin or Minnesota lake. (He was certified in high school in Florida.)

No kids or pets.

I am a Ph.D. level statistical analyst. I also teach part-time for a University. In my spare time I volunteer through the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) for Search & Rescue as well as an Instructor in the CAP Aerospace Education program (got a Masters in that).

In November I'm planning on a trip to swim with the Manatee's in Florida.

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