Question More expense !!!

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you can pick up a tray pretty cheap or make one out of some plexiglass. buy the quick release mounts for some arms, connect a dive light to and arm. as you can add a strobe.
I use the c1 setting for my base set of settings and forced flash on to run the strobe. when you get the feel for the controls it is easy to tweek settings on the fly. get a procedure in place for putting it in the housing (lock the camera doors before putting in housing etc...) lost one of our TGs this past weekend due to no housing and a charge door not being locked.

And great 1st shots
Great, thanks for that, I am getting the feel for it now. Like you say, easy to press a few buttons when you know which ones to press. :) A bit like the wife really ha ha. Definitely will be setting up C1 for an aperture priority setting or whatever, that's my next step. Unfortunately, these great pictures on auto settings will make me lazy to experiment if I do not discipline myself. Water was murky but still got this one of a blacktip. :)

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